Tonight, we went to the Town Hall for Hope by Dave Ramsey. It was at 6000 churches nationwide.
The church we were at, had a few problems broadcasting but we got the gist of the program. There is HOPE! Hopefully, they will have it online soon, so you can watch if you missed it.
One of the 3 things, you went away with, is that you shouldn’t hang out with losers. I elbowed my honey and said it looks like I should go home alone, jokingly! (That is a total joke!!! I love my hubby more than creamy milk chocolate and spa-pedicures!!!!) It was a sweet reminder of our sweet friends. There is not a loser among them. God has sent us devoted precious people in to our lives to encourage and edify us.
In fact, when I got home and started to check my email, I was just floored at all the people who I stay in contact with.
I was reminded of a time, when I was in Venezuela. We were coming over a mountain and the bus driver stopped the bus so we could see this little city.
One of the doctors we were with, said the city reminded him of when Jesus said: Matthew 23:37 (New International Version)
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing.
My heart was filled with compassion tonight. I feel so grateful that the Hen (Jesus) has put me under His wing. Under Him, we can’t lose. He has won the fight! I know Ramsey was talking about hanging out with people without a vision or people who talk negatively without energy but I came away with so much more.
Everyone I run into lately, has put something special into my life, like a golden nugget. Whether, they are a Christian, non-Christian, Atheist, cashier, fireman, or even a dog walker, I see that they have potential. Maybe that is not the right word. It is something more. They have a soul. A soul worth dying for. Some days I just love people. (Yeah, I am being truthful, some days, I would rather be in a cabin on top of a mountain, away from EVERYONE.) But, as much as I love people, I am at awe, what Jesus did for you and me!
I know that there are people who read my blog, that I will never meet. I know that there are people who read my blog, that have their doctorates, their diplomas, their careers, and who could much more elegantly write better than I ever could, however if you have all that and still don’t call Jesus Lord than you are missing the one thing is truly needed in your life.
I’m not an evangelist. I’m a mom who loves Jesus and wants what is best for her hubby and children. I don’t want you to read my blog and leave without knowing you are loved more than anything by Someone who gave everything! You have a purpose! Be encouraged today! You are loved!
I would love to take a photography class, too. And, I do love sitting and listening to any “Master” teacher. There is an art teacher I LOVE to listen to. And, my piano teacher! Wow! Amazing women. 🙂
My church hosted this as well. I thought it was GREAT! And yes, I loved the thought on losers. Very true as well. I beleive it says something akin to that in the scriptures….
minus the word LOSERS. LOL
Great blog, glad I found it!
Our thoughts are on the same wavelength! Friends are wonderful, and every soul is precious. Have a beautiful day.