My 2 year old has provided us with a lot of entertainment lately. We were sitting at the kitchen table the other night and I noticed his elbow was scraped up. I asked him, “What happened to your elbow?” His response, in his usual 2 year sweet crackly voice, was “What’s my elbow?” I said, “On your arm.” He then turns his arm every way except the way to see an elbow. We finally give up trying to show him what an elbow is because we are laughing so hard. Last night, we were watching the movie, Marley and me. (I thought it was going to be very family friendly. It probably was for the normal family, just not ours.) It was the part of the movie where the dog was getting fixed and they mention the part of the male area that rhymes with malls. Our eldest (10 years old) asks what is that? I mentioned to my husband, I think it is time to have “the talk” with our son. He replies, “My son doesn’t even know where his elbow is.” OIY!
We did tell our eldest what malls were and he was thoroughly disgusted. I guess we did our job! We have a long way to go though to fully disgust him, if you know what I mean. I’ll probably send him to his John Deere Grandma’s for that discussion.
Oh my! That was a brilliant post! I had to have a similar “malls” conversation with C. We were watching a show on the Travel Channel called Bizarre Foods (or something to that effect). The host goes to different countries and cities and samples the local “cuisine”. He happened to be in Spain for this show and was tasting pan-seared bull “malls”. Of course C wanted to know what it was. He about fell out of his chair in disgust :).
We love you guys! Good luck with your “talk”!
Okay, if it’s time for “the talk,” there’s a fantastic resource you need to know about. It is called Passport 2 Purity, put out by FamilyLife Ministries. It is curriculum for a mom/daughter or dad/son weekend getaway to talk about puberty, sex, purity, relationships, and peer pressure. It is biblically based, and is done by Dennis Rainey (president of FamilyLife) and his wife. Visit and look this resource up in the store if you want more info. My husband did this with our god son (whose dad is absent). It is fantastic!