Emotions! Sometimes they run high sometimes they hit rock bottom. Perhaps today is the day that mine have been all over the spectrum.
Last night, my hubby and I stayed up late working on some non-profit books. We finally conquered them and I was ecstatic. I finally made it to bed around 1:30 a.m. then around 30 minutes later my daughter crawls into our room, grumbling…”I’m siiiiickkkkk. I just threw up ALL over my floor.” She had. It was disgusting, I gave her the bath and my hubby cleaned up the disgusting present that she left in her room. I love my daughters and would do anything for them but cleaning up something like that, I will gladly pass on to the next person.
So, I stayed up with her all night, as she left more “presents” in the trashcan. Around 5:00 a.m., I was so tired that my hubby took his shift.
I actually had planned a full day for today. This morning we had a MOP’s (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting. I love our MOP’s meetings, they are so encouraging. Then for the afternoon, we were going to the area college and visit their science department. All this got cancelled, for us.
I was praying that Princess would feel better with just some sleep. Okay, I was praying that she would get better so her Daddy and I could have our mini-getaway tomorrow.
Well, that didn’t happen. She was sick all day. Then her Daddy got sick. Then her sister. What is the saying…sickness loves company? Okay, maybe that is not correct but it seems to be in our casa.
So, today I have been elated, happy, thrilled, tired, sleepy, drowsy, hungry, disgusted, mad, angry, tearful, depressed, and grateful.
Right now everyone seems to be doing better. Hopefully, sleep will be very good tonight. I have quit crying and put on my big girl britches. I couldn’t even see the light at the end of the tunnel this morning but I know it is there. Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. (This is in my Dory voice from Nemo.)
Okay, add giddy and slap-happy to my list of emotions.
Thanks for the info about how to grow sagos from “pups.” Just last year I discovered that they had male/female sagos when 2 of our males “bloomed!” You can read about my exciting discovery 🙂 by searching “sago” on my blog.
So, I guess I’ll have my husband out digging up some pups this weekend!
Thanks again!
P.S. Another question.. how do you get 1 – your signature and 2 – “You might like these stories” on your blog? You can email me at drleeds at sbcglobal dot net
Bless your heart! What about your fabulous weekend getaway?
Okay daughter, you are such a great mom. I had a dream the other night that involved your brother and one other person. All I could remember was me screaming loudly, keep swimming, keep swimming, don’t give up! We were at the ocean and the waves were Hawaii style (kept looking for Mangum….) anyway, be encouraged, it is ALL WORTH IT! Then you get grandchildren, LOVE TO ALL OF YOU AND WE ARE PRAYING FOR YOU.
Oh, I pray that everyone feels better quickly. AND that you don’t get sick!
Thanks for the comments on my sago post. Can you tell me “how” you break off the pups? I wanted to try that, but I wasn’t sure how. Thanks!