I always wanted a sister. When I was in Jr. High, I got one. She is so very special to me. We talk at least twice a week, since we live about 6 hours from each other. She is the person I will call at midnight knowing she is up and ready to hear everything I have to say. We are not blood sisters but you would never know it. We are both blessed to have that.
So, when I look at my girls – I see a special relationship. They are sad when the other one gets in trouble. They share a twin size bed even though they both have separate beds. They share clothes and like to play together. Although, they have their “heated discussions”, it is always ended by laughing so hard they pee in their pants.
I have heard horror stories of sisters growing up and never speaking again. I think that is so sad, it makes me shiver at the very thought. I pray that my daughters will always overcome any differences that may occur and see that they will always share a common bond.
This scripture has been on my mind…
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Blessings to you today! You are loved!
Kirby3131 says
I have two sisters – one is 6.5 years younger than me and the other is 13 years younger. We are all so close that you’d think we were all a year apart. Sometimes I’m more of a mother to my little sister LOL
I can’t imagine not being friends with them. 🙂 So glad you are finding your girls real close now.
Blessedw5mom says
Oh I love that song from White Christmas!!!
shelley says
good morning there fellow sista!
what a great tribute to your daughters! they are tooo cute, and it is wonderful that they are sooo close, i pray that as you reach the “teen years” they can remain as close and help each other out thru all of the crazy obstacles they will go thru in this day and age! have a lovely day, and stop by and say “hi” anytime!
Rachel says
We love White Christmas! You know the scene a little farther into the movie where the guys dress up and do the girls’ song? My husband and my nephew did that a couple of years ago for our church Christmas dinner and variety show. It was hilarious. They had the feather boas just like the movie and did the little dance. Everyone was howling. It was so funny.
Marina says
I have the same bond with my blood sister and my Mom has always prayed the same for both of us. I always pray my little one will be able to enjoy the bond sisters share, whenever God wills :>
PS My sis and I love that song….its an oldie goldie!!