I have a few random thoughts…
First of all, I’m selfish! Yes, I already knew that one. Hear me out – before you throw in the towel or throw the towel at me.
I hear a lot that “Moms” need their “TIME-OUTS” but I wonder if this is as true as it seems. Yes, Mom’s need to have some time alone from their children and to refocus but I wonder if the more time we have alone – the more time we want alone and the more selfish we tend to become. Ouch!
Second of all – I have more than enough. God has blessed our family with a home (even though it is not finished), God has blessed our family with a steady income, God has blessed us with our health, God has blessed our family with sweet friends, God has blessed our family with family – that would drop everything at a phone call and come running to help us, if needed. God has blessed our family with matching shoes and clothes.
I’m truly grateful even though I tend to complain. I’m thankful for those dirty dishes in the sink, it means we had food. I’m thankful for those little dirty socks, it means we had kids healthy enough to run. I’m thankful.
Third – I’m glad I married for God’s “perfect” man for me. Many times – I hear single ladies wondering if God truly remembers that they are lonely and have a desire to get married. Yes, He hears you and knows how many strands of hair are on your head. He loves you and He knows! Don’t settle for something “good” when He has the “BEST” in store for you! Marriage can be a wonderful or dreadful thing…if you are married, you might want to encourage someone single, just a thought.
Lastly, I love the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. There is no other name – quite like His. He has so much mercy and grace. He is real lover of your soul and desires you to follow Him. There is NOTHING you or I have ever done that would cause Him to quit loving us!
Blessings you!!! You are so LOVED!!!
Whenever I get alone time I am always so excited for it – then within and hour or two I am just missing everyone and ready to be back home again.
Great post! 🙂
Words of great wisdom and encouragement. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Teh absolute best Valentine ever given came on a cross..
We do have an amazing God, who has given us so much!
Awesome post, Lana. Thanks for reminding us what is important in life!