My family and I took a trip and along the way we popped this DVD into the player. Although, my hubs and I couldn’t see it – we heard something wonderful happening in the back seat.
Then our DVD player broke. So, when we got to our destination we played this again. Honestly, I was in tears it because it was so good.
Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales starts off the DVD by telling his testimony about Bob and Larry and how it went bankrupt. He no longer has anything to do with Bob and Larry.
His humility and transparency caught my attention more than anything. He totally gave all the glory to the Lord. This series in my opinion is 100 times better than Veggie Tales. Even though Veggie Tales brought Bible stories to the minds of children, What’s in the Bible explains why we NEED the Bible and Why we need the Creator of the Bible.
As for the What’s in the Bible, I learned more in this video than in my 28 years of being a Christian and going to Sunday School. Not that I haven’t been taught – this is just easier to follow than some professor, Berean or Philosopher.
Many of the characters, I recognized their voices from Veggie Tales. However, this series has a different take than Bob and Larry, it is a multimedia format. There are puppets, cartoons, and Phil Vischer in person.
It has humor and is something that could be played in Sunday School without wondering if it is going to offend anyone. I would also recommend this to homeschoolers. Seriously, it is just so informative.
This DVD series is one that is going to stay in our permanent personal library – it is just that good.
Here are some questions it answers:
- Who wrote the Bible?
- What the difference is between the Catholic and Protestant Bible?
- How long a “Day” is in the seven days of creation?
- What does salvation and redemption mean?
- Why there is sin and what can be done about it?
Oh yeah, it is good! All those are answered plus more! Not to mention, it is on a kid’s level. (Therefore most adults will understand as well. Hello – my brain does not compute some days and I need this kind of education just so I will be interested to pursue more knowledge.)
Here is a video clip…
Isn’t that exciting?
Guess what? I’m giving away two certificates, one for a free copy of each DVD.
Here are the ways to win: (3 entries (separate comments) MAX)
{You must do #1 in order to be qualified or all others will be disqualified.}
1. Leave a comment telling me what color is your Bible cover. (If you don’t have a Bible, then just put “transparent”.)
2. I have a new Facebook fan page – if you are a fan, please leave a comment here and there saying you are a fan.
3. (Extra Entry) Tell me something about the Bible that has spoken to you. Do you understand it? Do you desire to read it? Have you ever read it? I want to know if it is important in your life or just a drink coaster. {I’m all about honesty…so no fibs!}
This giveaway will end on April 10th and is open to the United States only. I will exercise the right to delete an inappropriate comment.
For more information, please go to or
I did receive a complimentary Review copy from Tyndale Publishers and was not compensated for writing a favorable review.
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
Vol. 1 – Genesis: In the Beginning,
978-1-4143-3630-5, DVD,
approx. 60 minutes, $14.99,
Vol. 2 – Exodus: Let My People Go,
978-1-4143-3631-2, DVD,
approx. 60 minutes, $14.99,
Avail. March 2010 to Christian retailers
Mine has a brown cover and the classic gold leaf edges, although they’re a bit worn – it’s a legacy from my great-aunt, Sister Maria Assumpta, so it has multiple meanings in our family. I have to admit, I don’t get it out to use with my 3 and 6 year old because the pages are delicate. We tend to stick to the kiddy versions so far with them.
being new to our walk with the lord as a married couple the hubby and i have a strong desire to find a couple’s devotions. we are currently doin the love dare and really like it. my favorite verse is where it tells a man to love his wife as his self.. and how wife’s are to be submissive to their husbands
i follow your facebook page. mistie gourley strain..
I have two bibles i uses one is the niv version of the women’s study bible and the other was my daddy’s bible , when he passed i got it .. it has all his hand written notes in the margins.. and i LOVE that i can still learn about the lord from my dad every time i open it up .. it is red and i have a blue zip up case for it that was his.. inside is also the bookmarks i made for him as a child at church camp. it is VERY special to me..
My bible is brown and white.
[email protected]
I am always in so much awe how God speaks to me in so many different ways through His word. The book of James is my favorite.
i’m officially a facebook fan now.
My bible cover is pink and brown. my hubby just got it for me for my birthday back in december.
I read my bible and am a Christian. I love the parables and psalms. Daily prayers and “poetry” that speak about our God’s love. It is an integral part of my life and I would be nowhere without mine.
FB fan @Melanie B
my bible is burgundy. This looks really neat!
melanieinaz2003 at yahoo
I am currently studying the Old Testament Tabernacle (Life Principles for Worship from the Tabernacle). I’ve been blown away by all the symbolism and meaning and spiritual significance. Knowing that the earthly tabernacle was actually a model of the “true Tabernacle” in Heaven, where Jesus is eternally worshiped as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, makes it fresh and alive and exciting for me!
[email protected]
” Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice.” Philippians 4:4
This verse has helped me get through many uncertain times & continues to be an impact on my life. Even in the darkest times, to be able to rejoice & know that God does all things for His purpose & will…
Became a fan on FB !!! Great page!
Wow! what a great giveaway! My bible has a black cover.
These would be awesome since our very old Psalty video broke:(
My Bible cover is pink and brown…very cute!! 😉
I would love to win these DVDs for my kids. Thanks for the chance.
[email protected]
I’m currently reading Esther.
My Bible cover is multicolored.
The Bible has taught me so much! I especially love the Psalms.
My Bible is pink! 🙂
I read it every day!
I love to use the Proverbs a lot with my six children…so much wisdom and given simple enough for children to understand! God is good!
My Bible is burgandy!
I am continually seeing and learning how the Bible all points to Christ. Even tonight as I was reading the story of Joseph (from the Jesus Storybook Bible) to my 3 1/2 year old son, I was reminded of how Joseph’s life is so much a picture of Christ’s–from how much his Father loved him, to how he was treated, and even how he responded to it all. My understanding of God’s Word is continually growing and my reading of it sometimes goes in spurts. But when I do read it, it is like honey to my soul. 🙂
I am now a fan. 🙂
My Bible covers are black and also brown. I have 2 different versions that i like to read from.
My newest bible cover is hot pink!
ndisilvio @ gmail . com
My Bible cover is brown.
pkildow at gmail dot com
I have recently been studying through I Corinthians, and have loved it!
zenzart at hotmail dot com
My Bible cover is burgundy…
Thanks for the chance to win!
zenzart at hotmail dot com
I go to church 3 times a week, but have been lazy and letting that replace my own personal Bible study. (Yuck. It was hard to write that.) [email protected]
My Bible cover is maroon. [email protected]
Ok…how do I feel about my bible? I have tried reading though it…got to about Joshua and stopped! Right now the only time I open it is when I do my Beth Moore study. I cant seem to make myself just pick up and read so I try to always be in a bible group that studies small parts of the bible together. When I do read it I am amazed by the stuff I find!
I am a FB fan!
My 4 year old just sat and watched the preview with me and loved it!
To answer your question…
My “main” bible that I use it royal blue. My study bible is black, and my little purse sized bible is hot pink!
My Bible cover is blue.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
I read ODB most of the time, but I’m trying to work my way through Romans with John McArther right now.
Pink 🙂
Phil 4:13 has really spoken to me- b/c even when I’m doubting I know that “I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me”
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
my Bible cover is maroon
onecrypticmama AT yahoo DOT com
Recently I’ve been studying the Biblical Feasts. Mainly Passover in the past week or so. We celebrated Passover for the first time this year.
I became a Facebook Fan!
I hadn’t heard of this dvd before.
I’m definitely going to have to get one.
My Bible cover is black.
…and I’m doing a lot of studying lately on healing. Jesus healed ALL who came to him, no illness was disqualified and no person was disqualified. He TAUGHT the disciples and then the 70 to heal in His name and we can do so, too. I, personally have been healed of most of my symptoms of MS after 8 years with the disease! Praise Jesus for his fulfillment of promises!
and I’m a FB fan…
My Bible cover is black…
I’ve really come to love Genesis. There is so much doctrine in there, yet when I read it to my kids there is plenty of story to keep even my 6 year old interested. I still would say my favorite book is James. It’s just so plain and practical. It always hits right where I need it.
My Bible color is a copy of a beautiful painting. It looks like springtime.
Psalms 119:11 Thy word have I hidden in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.
It reminds me of canning fresh vegetables from the garden…. Preseving something nurishing,sweet and comforting to enjoy on a cold winter day.
I am a fan of yours on facebook (and in real life)
My bible cover is black….boring
My Bible is tan, a little boring for a color, but it is full of such wonderful promises and I don’t ever get bored listening to our Awesome God speak to me through His Word. The Bible is the most important book I own.
As for the “Whats in the Bible” DVD, I already own the first two, and I absolutely love them. My daughter likes it as well, and considering that she is only 16 months, it captures and holds her attention. So, if I were to win the drawing I would give it away.
I am a fan on FB!
My bible is burgundy!
Ia m always reading my Bible..either as part of a study or on my own. I crave it….it reminds me to let go ~ and that God is in control!
I am now a follower on FB
I have a few Bibles…. One has a white cover, one with a maroon color.
My Bible that I read the most has a navy blue cover, and my travel-size one is aqua and brown with a silver flower on the magnetic clasp.
God constantly reveals new things to me through His word (when I am willing to listen…). Most recently, a passage in Joshua stood out, when he and the Israelite leaders made a treaty with the Gibeonites. What God revealed to me was how often do I accept things or do things b/c they seem good, but I don’t petition Him first to really find out whether or not it is His will to do so. Before, I had only ever read this passage as a story, not seeing or perceiving any lesson to be had in it, but when I prayed and asked Him to speak to me through His word…wow…
BTW – I’m also a fan on fb. 🙂
I’m already a FB fan!! 🙂
I LOVE the Bible! I’m actually getting my Masters of Arts in Ministry right now (taking online classes through Baptist Bible in PA). A verse that has been impressed on my heart this week is Mark 1.35.
Color of Bible: brown (most used), pink (newest), gray from being duct taped (oldest and most loved).
my Bible cover is burgandy, and falling apart! 🙁
I heard Phil’s testimony on Focus on the Family. It brought me to tears. So glad to see God is moving and using him. What a blessing to all of us!
I would love to win this 🙂
I just finished doing the Read the Bible in 90 days over at Mom’s Toolbox…today! This is the first time I’ve ever done this so there was a lot I never knew was in it.
My Bible cover is green and blue.
I really need to start reading mine more consistently, but the Proverbs are great way to read a chapter a day since there are 31 chapters!
facebook fan-
my Bible cover is black- boring I know, but it’s what’s on the inside that counts!
bro2ice at yahoo dot com
Thanks for sharing! We love these DVDs and are so excited to add them to our library and share them with others.
Be sure to check out what the hubbub is all about at:
Jami M-Wife/Mom/God’s kid said… 7
Oooohhh, this looks cool!! My mind doesn’t always work properly, and I’m CONSTANTLY looking for new ways to make Bible study fun and informative for my family.
My Bible is tan w/ a hard-cover. It’s got KJV and NKJV versions. (How’s that for EXTRA details?)
Hugs and Blessings!! Jami
SavannahsSmiles said… 6
I LOVE reading the Psalms-such honesty, comfort, and hope!
SavannahsSmiles said… 5
I am a Facebook Fan!
SavannahsSmiles said… 4
Hey Lana! My Bible Cover is a Green Vera (Cambridge Pattern) :-).
Jamie~ said… 3
So funny you would ask about a desire to learn/study it right now!
I was just contemplating asking my dear auntie (who is a biblical scholar) about some good resources to help me study mine more. It’s almost like a physical hunger in me sometimes!
Jaime – Okay, became a fan on FB and left a comment over there, too!
Jaime – This looks amazing! What a fantastic way to teach children.
Let’s see, the color of my Bible cover is forest green. Still so beautiful after all of these years.
I’ll be back in a flash for more entries!