Welcome to our Home Renovation!
This is part 13 of our Kitchen Remodel – we are tearing down walls and adding a pantry.
We are doing everything by ourselves without hiring help.
Please excuse our mess…we are messy when working in the kitchen!
Please excuse our mess…we are messy when working in the kitchen!

This is our Temporary and the old load bearing wall. The darker boards are the older ones. Without a temp wall we wouldn’t have been able to put in the new support beam. It was truly a learning experience for us.

All through this process, I keep calling my Mom because she is keeping all 5 kids. So, Mom this picture is for you….this is where my new walk-in pantry is going! (Can’t wait to post more about that!)

Notice the brick column, it is coming down!

This is the last board holding up the old load-bearing wall.

When he cuts through the boards, all the weight will shift unto the new wall.
I was praying really hard about this time because I had never seen this done the before…I really didn’t want our roof caving in.
I’ve seen an implosion once before and it was a blast. I’d really like to see another one (just not one that we caused)!

Almost there…


No Roof Cave-In!

Thank you Mr. Beam –
You have worked really hard the past 30 plus years.
(Yes, we talk to our beams around here.
But, we do NOT cuss at them!)

Brick column – you are coming down.
I didn’t cuss at this monster either…just kicked it back when I had flip-flops on…it won.

A little at a time though, because someone filled you with more bricks.

And you are heavy!

These are the new load-bearing beams-there are 3 of them. We had our neighbor and a friend come over to help lift them up.

Almost there…


No Roof Cave-In!

Thank you Mr. Beam –
You have worked really hard the past 30 plus years.
(Yes, we talk to our beams around here.
But, we do NOT cuss at them!)

Brick column – you are coming down.
I didn’t cuss at this monster either…just kicked it back when I had flip-flops on…it won.

A little at a time though, because someone filled you with more bricks.

And you are heavy!

These are the new load-bearing beams-there are 3 of them. We had our neighbor and a friend come over to help lift them up.
We then took the temp wall down.

It holds!

I know – not the cleanest kitchen on the block.

But, it will get better!

I hope!

It holds!

I know – not the cleanest kitchen on the block.

But, it will get better!

I hope!
The next few posts are going to show some major improvements.
I can’t wait to show our progress!
I can’t wait to show our progress!
Just a quick survey:
How old is your home?
Is there something about it- that you would put in every home that you live in-from now on?
How old is your home?
Is there something about it- that you would put in every home that you live in-from now on?
Go see more of our BIG HOME RENOVATION 2010!
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
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We have done so much renovation work in our married life. I just LOVE your photos. Brings back fun memories. One kinda funny (and sad) one is one house we worked on and our two kids (at the time, when they were 7 and 10) tore all the lath from the stud walls and pounded the old plaster from it. They were saving it to use as kindling for our fires in the winter. When they had a HUGE pile of lath that they’d worked SO HARD to get, the guy with the bulldozer came and buried it all. :-(((
I just love demolition AND construction. Extremely inconvenient when you’re trying to homeschool, but such a sense of accomplishment when you’re done!
Congratulations that the house didn’t cave in when the old wall came out. See? You’re doing something right!
Don’t you just love a Sawzall!!! 🙂
By the way, copied your cake/cookie recipe. I love EASY.
Oh my goodness, that is a heck of a project! Can’t wait to see the progress you make. 🙂
When we did this in our 90 year old farmhouse I was expecting child number 8….and no where to send them. They were right here with us. Those beams look enormous. I am so excited about watching the house come together! (and nothing I can think of in this house that would be a must have in another home…it’s just walls and floors). Lisa~
Thanks for helping us have a great Tuesday at Anything Related! ~Bridgette
Wow! We built our home almost 10 years ago. I LOVE my kitchen island, our cathedral ceilings, paladium windows, Austin stone fireplace, and our custom cabinets. We built our south kitchen wall to look completely like built ins. Most don’t even know our refrigerator is there. One of the cabinets has an appliance garage that is fabulous. I hope that helps. I can’t wait to see more pictures!
This looks MAJOR! We did something similar in our first home. We doubled the size of it with an extension. We had 3 kids at the time – they were probably 2, 4 and 6 at the time (well, they were these ages when the work began! As for their ages when we finished…??!)
Since then, we moved away from the city and back ‘home’ (on the island where we grew up). Here we built a house from scratch, so it was totally different.
My hubbie is a builder/joiner, so in both cases, he did all the work.
I keep telling him, ‘It’s why I married you’!!
Keeping up with your renovations – look forward to seeing more
Love, Anne (in Scotland) x
Wow! What a task you are taking on? I must come back and see how you are doing with this. Can’t wait to see more progress. Guess that means I better follow your blog so I can keep up.