I have three sons.
They kill bugs and catch lizards daily.
I like them just for that reason alone.
They like to play Lego’s.
And love to fold dirty laundry.
But, they are growing up.
They don’t play with Army men anymore.
Except to line them up for a centerpiece.
And ask Mom to sell them on e-bay.
I think I should be sad – that my boys are growing up and they want to get rid of their toys.
But, I’m too excited they are cleaning their room!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
The Second photo is being entered on the AB SEE Photo Meme on the HSBA Post.
I’ve thought of that! But, I do have 5 kids and limited room. Plus, they want to sell them to buy Nerf guns. (Since the recession has hit – I’m excited they would want to make money by selling their own stuff.) (Personally, I have a hard time getting rid of baby clothes. But–I have to let go or make a baby blanket.)
However, we are keeping a few favorite cars, Lego’s, and tons of books. 🙂
Wouldn’t their sons have a grand time with the Army men. Be careful what you get rid of…
Signed, a mother of 27 and 24 year olds