A long long time ago – Texas had something special.
Houston Oilers.
Steak and Ale.
But, now…well, let me just show you our garden.

Corn Box – Well, it used to be.
Yes, the good ole’ days!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
So sad. It’s the same here. Dry. Hot. Dead. They say the snakes are coming next….like the plagues. Lisa~
So far my pepper plants are hanging in there, but it is so hot and dry that the bees seem to have taken a vacation. Lots of blooms, no peppers! The muscadine vines didn’t even produce this year! I have lived in Texas my entire life and don’t remember ever not having muscadines!
The weeds, however, are doing just fine. 🙁
Awww… not good. Here we are with an *abundance* of rain, and a *severe* lack of abundance of warmth! If only we could average our weathers…
You should see our pond… it’s kinda green, brown and has fish that swim upside down. Oh Texas drought, how could you? Good news is that the rain is coming – I can smell it! Thanking the Lord for His goodness and mercy. Blessings to all of you! One Texas Grandma!