A Little Encouragement If You Please
Hi. Lana’s husband David here.
- Have you ever stuck your foot in your mouth (or wish you had before you spoke)?
- Have you ever screwed up so royally that you wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out?
- Have you ever hurt someone that you love and wandered if or how they would ever forgive you?
Me too.
Sometimes when I’m reading the Bible, God gives me some insight as to what it would have been like to be in someone else’s shoes.
Peter was pretty well known for all of the above mentioned faux pas. I was reading in Mark 14 when The Lord spoke to me again about His mercy.
Christ’s next words had to be heavy on Peter.
“….before the rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.”
Then I realized something awesome. Jesus knew Peter.
He invited him to go closer and pray right after telling him that he would deny Him.
This is the same Peter that preached on the day of Pentecost and 3000 (yes three thousand) people came to know The Lord (Acts 2). He’s the same one that took a man by the hand who had never walked and healed him by the power of Christ (Acts 3).
We’re no different. God knows us, HALLELUJAH!!!!!
He knows what we are going through and the stupid (don’t tell my kids I said that word) things we do, but He still says, “I will never leave or forsake you.”
He’s kind of like a mom – feeding broccoli to her children.
She knows they won’t like it but it’s good for them and she’ll keep encouraging them to eat it until they do and teach them that man shall not live by cookies alone.
By the way, Luke’s account of this says that Jesus prayed for him and told him to strengthen his brothers when he returns.
Praise The Lord. We have nothing to hide or fear. He is RICH in mercy.
Oh this is me,how encouraging!thanks you!
Oh so good! Thank you David for sharing that bit of godliness with us today. It was wonderful. Lisa~
No I don’t mind another follower. It makes me want to burst out in song! (But, I won’t because my kids already think I’m a little strange.) LOL!
Seriously, I’m thankful you found my husband’s words encouraging! I’ll pass on the news! Thanks so much! Have a sweet day!
i really needed this! hope you dont mind if i start following you! 🙂