Today marks a milestone in our home.
We have wandered into the teenage years.
Our little strong willed, never-conforming, missionary-minded, God-fearing, sister-picking, brother-keeping, organizing-everything, BIG-machine-loving, tiny-machine-taker-apart, walking Wikipedia minded, handsome, mucho loved son turns 13 today.
You talked when you were in the womb.
You haven’t stopped yet.
Everything made you have questions.
God has given you a precious gift.
To find out how things work.
And then to make them better.
Take your time. Don’t rush into decisions.
Stay healthy. Exercise your mind as well as your body.
Be nice to others.
Take time sweet boy to enjoy life.
Be gentle.
Treat life like an egg.
It is fragile.
It will break open in a flash.
Don’t flaunt your height.
Even though you are taller than all the women in your life,
including your John Deere Grandma and Mom.
But keep your head raised high looking to the One who sees Everything!
Be aware of your strength and weaknesses.
When you make a mistake – ask for forgiveness.
When you are feeling weak – ask the Lord to help you.
Temptations will be lurking at every corner.
Hide God’s Word in your heart. It is sharper than a double edged sword.
Finally, my sweet boy,
smile and don’t lose heart during these next few years.
You are a gift from the Lord.
You were given back to Him.
He is your King, your Heavenly Father, your friend, your Refuge, your Everything that is Good.
Trust in Him.
He loves you like no one else can.
Mom (aka Mommy a long time ago) loves you.
Dad (aka Daddy a long time ago) loves you.
We pray for you daily.
Happy Teen Years! (sniff sniff)
Blessings to you! You are loved!
So sweet! The teen years are wonderful! He’s about to become a man Mom. I hope you’re ready. Lisa~
Awww that’s beautiful (sniff!!!)) Happy birthday!!! You’ve raised him right…God will direct his every step, for His Glory. Big hug to you Mama!
Aw…. beautifully written. Blessings to you on this landmark day!
Oh how I love this young man! Happy Birthday sweet man and know your Grandma loves you so much. You are amazing to me and one of the greatest blessings I have ever known. Love you big!
That was wonderful…snif more piggy back rides for sure!! Happy Birthday Nephew!