It is FALL! My utmost FAVORITE time of year! So many reasons to be grateful!
To celebrate Fall and this awesome time, I’m so excited to announce that ONE reader of iLoveMy5Kids is going to get a Harvest Book Library from Tommy Nelson!
The winner gets to choose one Harvest Book Library for either for ages 3-7 or ages 8-12.
Both libraries are super FALL-awesome! (<—I may or may not have just made up that word.)
Harvest Book Library (Ages 3-7)
Sidney and Norman: A Tale of Two Pigs
Squanto and the Miracle on Thanksgiving
Harvest Book Library (Ages 8-12)
Heroes & Villains of the Bible
So, who is excited?!?
Okay, so let me tell you how to enter:
Just leave a comment telling me how you are teaching your children to give to others!
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P.S. If you are not a winner or just would like to purchase a book visit and use promo code HARVEST20, and you can receive 20% off your purchase of these wonderful kids titles.
Winners must live in the United States. Sorry, for you overseas peeps. Make sure I have an email to reach you or you could be forfeiting your awesome prize. Winner will be chosen on 11/9/2012.
I haven’t had too much of a chance to teach these things yet, as my kids are still so young. I’m still trying to teach her how to share!! :). But, I do want to do the teacup things where they have a saving cup, a spending cup, and a giving cup…and then we’ll help them decide how thy can use that giving money to help others…on top of giving away clothes and toys:)
We teach our kiddos to give to others on the “large scale” by making donations to local clothing closets, filling Operation Christmas Child boxes, and sponsoring a child thru Kids Alive International. Personally, we have always encouraged them to give and share – by saying, for example, “Whatever you have you should always be willing to give at least half of it away.” This often applies to a situation such as – a sibling or a friend who would like to have the same snack they have, only there’s none left. (Not that it works out perfectly every time, but they are definitely encouraged for it to be the norm.) 😉
I teach my kids to give to others by donating our used toys and clothes. My talk about giving to charities and I have them put money in the Salvation Army kettles. We also give to canned food drives.
Love getting to share the joy ofgi ing throughs books to my child;)
Teaching them through giving away toys and clothes to others
Teaching a generous, giving spirit is a 24/7 job! I’m thankful that homeschooling has given us the opportunity to teach our children to give in a variety of ways. Our flexible schedule allows us to give time as a family to others who may need a listening ear, a babysitter, a meal, etc. Teaching children to give is best accomplished by example–serving together!
My family and I will adopt a family and give them gifts from baby Jesus!
We are also very excited about the holiday season, this year we are going to do 12 days Christmas, but with a twist, we are going to do 12 RAKs, can’t wait!!
I. Would love to win these books!
I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and it is important to teach them how to give to others. We just went through our toys and clothes to give to the needy. My older daughter did not understand when I told her that there were people who didn’t have houses or money or food or clothes and it was our duty that since God has tremendously blessed us to give back to others. My little girl took the dollars she had saved in her piggy bank and gave them too. I feel blessed and honored with Motherhood and with the responsibility to teach these little lives that it truly is not about us but it is really about others!
We don’t exchange gifts between our employees, instead we all donate money and buy toys for the Edinburg Police Department. We bring our children with us to buy and deliver the toys. Our daughter gets great delight in picking out toys that she knows are going to needy children. We also usually adopt a family and provide basic necessities and holiday items for them. And just this weekend, we cleaned out her room of all items she had outgrown or didn’t want and are donating them to a local family. It’s important for me to teach her daily how blessed she is and that she will be more blessed by sharing with others.
I love your blog! (and your family!)
We participate in coat drives and the Marine Corp toy drive. We also donate to the food pantry.
My eldest son and I volunteer at our local homeless shelter every other month. The in between months I watch a friends small children while she volunteers with her older children at the same homeless shelter.
I’m teaching my kids how to give to others by volunteering with them at our local Soup Kitchen. I have a small side business of organic soap making, so once a month we make free soaps and hand them out to the less fortunate at the soup kitchen, along with small washcloths and personal notes. The kids love it and the patrons there are truly grateful.
The kids are doing shoeboxes for Christmas and we lead by example during the year
We do the operation christmas child shoeboxes. Each girl gets a shoebox and gets to pick the age of the kids she wants to give it to and then they fill it.
I try to teach my kids to give by example. If they don’t see me practicing it, how can I expect them to do the same.
I try to teach my son giving in many different ways. I guess the main one is by donating the items he/we no longer want to bless others who may need them. He is 8 and pretty good about giving away toys, clothes, books, anything he no longer needs or wants. We keep a donation basket at our house & he will voluntarily put things in there when he decides he doesn’t want them anymore. I think he is getting better at it than I am!
Our children pick one thing from the world vision gift catalog each year at Christmas time. Last year our son picked out a bike and some sheep for a family in Africa.
I absolutely love your blog look!
I really want to win both sets! 🙂 I have kids in both age ranges. LOL.