I don’t want to deceive anyone. I’m not in the best shape – yet.
My body is fighting me and I will not let it win. It is exercising through thick and thin. Hopefully, thin. (Big SMILE!)
This past year…I’ve lost over 20 lbs just with changing my eating habits. (Of course, in the matter of the holidays..I gained most of it back.)
But, now I know I can do it…and won’t let that happen again.
My Favorite Fitness Apps:
(For my iPhone, iPad or my computer.)
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This allows me to record my food, calories, look at diets, see how many calories I’ve burned, encourage me when I get distraught. It truly is one of my favorites. A little time consuming at first but then it learns your favorite foods and enters them for you. I like that it keeps my stats online and also works on my phone if I’m out traveling.
I have to say this app is so simple to do. It basically trains a person for a 5K.
It tells me when to run and when to slow down. It also works with my Pandora or iTunes Music.
I like that it is like having a coach in my ear. Plus, you only use it every other day so you don’t start to hate exercising. I started with the free app and realized it was worth $2.99 so I upgraded.
Ok, this one is not really a “Fitness App”. It just keeps track on my monthly gift. I would always feel like exercising and plan to get up early and then “Aunt Flo” would show u catching me off guard. Now I know when she is coming and I can take this app to my Gyn too when she asks when was my last period. Oh the joys of being a woman.
Pandora is one of my favorite apps. We actually use it on our Roku in the living room, my iPhone, my iPad, the boys’ Kindles, and on all of our computers. Basically, a person can pick their own radio station. If you don’t like a song then you can dislike it and it will skip to another song. We listen to every genre of music. Praise and Worship is my favorite. But, sometimes I like a faster tempo while running. However – I”m still looking for the “right” one.
Let me know if you use any of these or have another one that I should try.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
I have lost 80 pounds since Febuary, I love myfitnesspal.com.
That is fabulous! Congratulations! My Fitness Pal is awesome – just wished it would do the dishes. 😉