Yesterday, my hubby took our family on a random but super fun road trip.
My 5 love languages are travel, chocolate, finding a super sale, good book and taking photos.
This trip had ALL of them!
We first started the trip with God’s beautiful HELLO!
Seriously, who cannot fathom His awesome power after seeing His mighty handiwork? It was breathtaking!
2nd stop: A little town called Hebbronville. It is known as the “Vaquero Capital of Texas.”
We looked up the definition of Vaquero – just to make sure we weren’t butchering the Spanish language.
And I quote:
A Vaquero is a horse-mounted livestock herder.
In other words a Vaquero is a cowboy. But, we couldn’t resist what country music could have been…
“Momma’s don’t let your babies grow up to be…horse-mounted-livestock-herders”
“I should have been a…Horse-Mounted Livestock Herder.”
Evidence Articles A and B if we should ever have to defend why we didn’t go into Country Music.
3rd Stop:
Kingsville –
home of the largest private owned Ranch in Texas and 2nd largest in the World.
King Ranch
Their brand is called the running W. Which I’m a little partial – I love W’s.
Can I just say I love this barn? It was used in the Ford King Ranch Edition commercials. I wanted to hop off that tour bus and go jump off the loft into a nice bale of sweet smelling hay. But, the driver refused to stop.
Before it was called the King Ranch it was called the Santa Gertrudis Ranch.
My Grandfather used to own this type of cattle, Santa Gertrudis. It brought back sweet memories for me.
I remember riding my first cow. Not horse, but cow. I was scared…in fact, my knees still shake from that memory.
Meet Frank. I named him. Doesn’t he look like a Frank? So many deer on this ranch.
Meet Frank’s doe…Priscilla. Isn’t she the most Prissy little thing? I’m in love. Please don’t shoot Frank or Priscilla. We bonded. Okay, I bonded. They have no idea who I am. Yet, I like to think as we drove away, there were tears in their eyes.
As we were driving the road, we came upon a Javelina. He is related to the hippo. We didn’t bond. He or she reminds me of a pig. But, trust me – our trusty Doctor who led us on the tour assured me – it is NOT a pig. Again, not a pig! Don’t confuse the two. It is not.
Our tour guide. He was awesome! He is a professor at the local college and knows tons of languages. He invited us back to show our family grand tour on another weekend. We can’t wait to come back!
Seriously, it was one of the best days we have had in a very long time.
Not a real agenda and no one to “please.” Just our family – doing our favorite things.
Our day wasn’t totally finished. My hubby then took us to Corpus Christi and let me shop my little heart out. I love shopping and looking for deals. Before we knew it…it was time to head back to our little ranch in the city.
We did have one bad part of the day…we found out that Krispy Kreme Doughnuts closed down in Corpus. I know tears. Go ahead…it is okay….you can cry with us.
After today, I want to be a cowgirl or would that be a Vaquera? Don’t forget that a javelina is not a pig- all Horse-Mounted Livestock Herders should know that.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Hi Lana, remember me? I am, at this moment, sitting at work and looking for a new wallpaper for my computer. From time-to-time, I look up places in Texas that we visited while we were living there. Once, we visited King Ranch and I loved the old barn with the brand painted on it. I looked up images of “King Ranch barn” and what pops up but a picture of the barn with “ilovemy5kids’ on it! I immediately got excited and wanted to share my wonderful finding with you. I think of you often and love watching the remodel of your new home. I hope you, hubby, and kids are all doing well. Take care and keep blogging!
p.s. I miss Texas