I wrote to my friend the most encouraging private message this morning.
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It was so good, who knew, I would be the one who needed it?
God did.
It was something like this:
Let me encourage you. This world is not worth stressing over. You will NEVER be able to please everyone. You are a daughter/son of the Most High King.
He loves your children or people around you more than you.
You will make mistakes. You will make mistakes.
Repent and Learn!
You do what the Lord asks of you, nothing more. Follow His Word!
You are a blessing!!!
Well later in the day, we got news that something was not going to happen that we really wanted to happen. My hubby keeps telling me that everything is going to be fine.
Let me just stop right now…
I usually don’t stress about many things. But, I let this get all over me. We are talking over the top…I wanted to call a halt to this newest adventure we are about to embark on and shove it back to the back closet.
Then those words that I had even posted on my Facebook wall, came back to haunt me.
Ugh! I will never try to encourage another soul. No I won’t Lord. You can’t make me.
Seriously, I will. That is how I am made. It is really not me, but His Holy Spirit through me. Because my flesh has had enough!
THEN after I settled down a bit.
I get an email – relieving me of a duty that I quite enjoyed and got a little income doing.
I should go to bed.
It has been one of those days, where it just doesn’t seem like it could get any greyer.
(Side note because I can’t spell – Grayer or Greyer? Ya, I don’t know.)
I understand.
He wants me to trust in Him.
I want to.
I need to.
Sometimes it is just not easy.
Good night.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Good morning daughter, yep sounds like a humdinger of a day! Had typed out a “Mom kinda comment” on my phone and then lost it. But not giving up. Your words of encouragement for your friend certainly ring true. But wanted to encourage you from an “older woman” type view.
The things that I dreaded upon the most did happen! One example was all 3 teens in the house getting their licenses at once and being set free to drive (oh yea, we cannot forget the insurance bills). It was something I dreaded for years, had nightmares, etc., but when it happened God showed His mighty hand of protection. (Well except for a tree incident – not mentioning any names)
I certainly dreaded the great adventure when my daughter moved far away and took my precious grand-babies with her. I just knew I would never know them at all. In His mercy, He even allowed me to be there when one called on Jesus for her salvation. What a joy! God is so faithful. He has allowed me to be part of their lives in a way that would not have happened if living close by.
Sometimes, the things we dread the most become the “best” parts of life. God is shifting things around for His kingdom to come in your lives. I believe it with all my heart.
This past year (personally) has been the toughest and came as quite a surprise to me. God gave me Romans 8:28 in the beginning of the trial. He reminded me of His promise in that Word the other day and I am standing. Maybe it will help you too.
Daughter, you inspire my socks off. At a young age, you never held back from joining the great adventure at hand. Caring for 5 children and a hubby is the best adventure yet! Just wanted you to know that I believe God is in this-every detail and you are being covered in prayer. And most of all, you are loved!