Blessed with Boxes
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The beginning of this week was like a dream.
Well, for a mover.
I can’t say mover without thinking shaker.
Movers and Shakers.
Then I think salt because of the word – shakers. Which then I think of the Morton Girl with an umbrella. I always wanted to be her. I know a big dream, eh?
Sorry that was an official rabbit trail.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted on my personal Facebook wall that we were in need of boxes. A sweet friend, who barely gets on Facebook saw my post. She had just visited a friend who moved back in the area and had tons of boxes.
It took my son and I three trips to get them all. They are awesome! Like really well made and not to mention free! I had no idea a year ago, that being blessed with boxes would be a highlight for this year.
I am not even sure if we need more…but who knows? I keep finding junk. I wish I had started years ago, cleaning out closets and purging.
This move has been so unexpected. But, the Lord keeps giving us unexpected blessings.
I am amazed at how He keeps blessings us. We truly don’t deserve anything. Time and time again He keeps being faithful to us weaklings.
Another friend said he had a UHaul truck that we could use. Who has those just laying around? Only the Lord would make that possible!
We have had some speed bumps too.
Like the washing machine hose just coming off and getting things wet in the garage. Thankfully the dirty clothes soaked up all the water…I guess you could say “pre-soaked.”
Then someone (a male child, I would presume) overloaded the toilet and you can just imagine that fun.
Another unexpected blessing is the constant errands. I try to make these like “dates” with Mom. Sometimes the hubby gets to go on one too. Just 5 minutes away from “chaos” does a body good.
But, mostly we will only remember the blessings and not the mishaps. I just hope no one wakes me up from this non-ending dream that I keep get reminded that Someone BIG is in charge of this move.
I have now made a Pinterest Board called “Our Moving Story” so I can refer back to the “good” days when I need an attitude adjustment. Feel free to follow it, if you need some encouragement.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Thanks for sharing the blessings – and other realities! – you are experiencing with your move! Hoping you have smooth sailing from here on out!