My daughter has started to play volleyball for 8 to 10 year olds. It has been a learning experience (for all of us.)
While we are selling our home it has provided us a way to leave the house and watch our sweet girl gain some confidence. She is super shy and this has given her a chance to blossom.
We had snacks for the game and 20 minutes before we had to leave, I thought of attaching cute tags to the bottles.
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I found flavored waters at Big Lots and let my daughter pick the snacks.
She chose Little Debbie Oatmeal Crème Pies.
To make the tags:
1. Print out the Template – you can get it free here.
2. Cut out the tags.
3. Attach them to scrapbook paper using a glue stick. I had some leftover from another project.
4. Punch a hole and attach with twine to the water bottle or staple to snack.
It is that easy!
Click the photo to get the printable!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Hi Lana, I’m a single mom of 5 boys and found your site through the #UBP14. Knowing someone else with 5 kids made me ave to check you out, knowing you love the Lord and are homeschooling (Something I’ve always wanted to do but my husband wouldn’t allow me to) made me love your site even more! I’m also a (former) volleyball coach and avid player (although with more enthusiasm than skill as I get older – sigh!) so I think this post is perfect! I’ve also poked around to some of your other stuff – particularly the Road Trip with 5 Kids – done the road trip thing – kinda scary with 5 in a car all day! In fact, this summer we will be traveling to TX (a 24 hour trip) to see the University of Dallas, one of my son’s top choices for college in 2015. Anyway, just wanted to say hi and love hearing about your family. God Bless You All… and Happy Mother’s Day! 🙂
I just saw your comment! 2 years later, oops! I’m now a Volleyball Coach as well…how funny is that?!
Thank you so much for the comment! Now I will have to open your blog and see if your son chose Texas as a college!
Very cute! I have to give your daughter a lot of credit for taking up volleyball. That is one ball that always went straight for my head!
Ha! To this day, she still loves the sport, now just super tall.