I have been a busy little bee – the last 12 or so years. More like 16.
Between being a mom and being a wife – I teach.
Not only do I teach but I am the principal, counselor, PE coach, social activities director, bus driver, bus maintence department, food delivery guru, budget buster, budget helper – in other words, I homeschool.
Some areas I am on top of the game. (Like baby, we have toilet paper – I now go to Sams, since we moved to the country and NEVER want to run out of that stuff.) But, in other areas, I have to play catch up.
Like sports.
My kids understand games but playing, well, they are lacking in functionality. No worries though, I set up them up in a homeschool league. Boom! Now they can plan and realize they need to work on some areas in strengthening skills as well as basic concepts in action not just on paper.
Another area lacking is high school transcripts. (Oh I have tons of areas that are lacking, not just these two.)
My eldest is considered a sophomore in most subjects. We follow most of what our curriculum suggests but this Mama needs to know everything. I am a reporter at heart and tend to have books of questions. I don’t want my kids to miss out on something because we weren’t prepared.
My husband and I both believe this is the best route for our children at this time. We will always be open to whatever path the Lord takes us down. However whatever path we go on – we want to go with excellence. We are by no means perfect and don’t always have our act together. In fact, we live in grace, daily. There is no other choice.
So – I have been on the hunt for high school homeschooling resources.
So far – I have just found the resources not had time to really study them out or even begin to recommend that perfect fishing hole (In all honesty, it probably doesn’t exist. Fish are on the constant move just like real life.) But, I will share some of my findings, in case anyone has to be on the same path or might be one day.
First I attended a free webinar from Lee Binz about making Homeschool High School Transcripts. She gave us tons of information about what is needed for a high school transcript.
In fact, I have gone through that webinar at least 3 times now. Every time I learn something new. Last time, I made my husband also sit down with me and we called it “date night.” Ha! He was a little surprised about my new definition of fun.
We then decided I could use some extra support…so we joined the HomeScholar Gold Care Club.
My email is now being drenched with resources.
I started downloading the files to my iPad. Then my charger broke. Then my computer wouldn’t charge. Then I got a message that my website had a bug. Then our son got sick. You know life just happened.
So I can’t really tell you much as I want to right now. In fact, it all a little overwhelming right now like childbirth.
But – I can tell you childbirth produces something beautiful. It is worth all the pain in the world to hold that precious bundle of joy. I have a feeling this will be very much like childbirth.
Joy is coming. After gaining this knowledge for the first child, we will have wisdom for the next 4 kids and grandkids.
The Second Resource is called the iHomeschool Studio.
It is 4 days of homeschool seminars (February 10-13, 2015) including the MP3s to listen at your convenience for just $25.
Some topics include for the iHomeschool Studio (online webinar):
- Creating a High School Transcript
- Project-Based Learning in the Middle and High School Years
- Combating Math Anxiety For The Middle/High School Student
- Bringing Computer Science to Your Classroom
- Homeschool Transitions from Elementary to Middle to High School
- College Admissions for the Homeschooler
- College Prep: Is Writing on Track?
- Putting Together a Four-Year Plan for High School
- The Homeschool Advantage in College Admissions & Scholarships
- And many many more
I know the Lord has given me a peace regarding my kids’ future whether it be college, future spouses, dating, food or even minor things such as finances. He IS. AND we know that He is more than able to suffice any needs for us.
I will be adding more to this as I learn more. Please feel free to give me any wisdom you may have – I like love having many counselors.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
[button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””]Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies. This review has not been monetarily compensated. This post was my honest opinion and views and not influenced in any way.[/button]
haha… “…for the parents who choose this crazy road.” this made me giggle.
Pinning cause we are coming close to this crazy road. 😉