A long long long time ago, I didn’t like kids.
They were gross, loud for no reason, cried all the time, extremely needy and did I mention gross?
I stayed away from church nursery with everything in my being.
I really thought something was wrong with me since Jesus said “let the children come unto me…” – I thought gee whiz, Jesus and I are nothing alike. He must be truly perfect to see these little things as blessings.
Then I started having kids.
My outlook has changed over the years. I am not sure why God gave me these precious gifts but HE knew I needed them. They truly showed me – that He is not only perfect but so very gracious.
Kids are still gross. But, I like them despite their grossness. (<-Is that a word?) I mean seriously, why do boys constantly lick their Snickers bar before giving it to their sister? And don’t even get me started on boys’ toilets or that peanut butter and jelly stash in their closet from 2 years ago.
I realized all this can be cleaned up.
My house can be cleaned. My car can be cleaned replaced. Still undecided about boys toilets.
Their needs become second nature to a mom. You don’t even realize you are fulfilling their needs – it just happens. How many times did I wake up in the middle of the night and pick up a crying child and never remember how the child ended up in my bed?
And the weirdest thing happens with kids….they grow up. Like overnight. Then the Mom starts to cry, for no reason. Time just went by too fast.
This week I have had the privilege to keep my brother’s kids. What a blessing! I have taken them to school (which is a feat for this homeschooling Mom – do you know how early they start school?), a children’s museum, a volleyball game and then a family function. We have been quite the busy bees!
The last couple of days, it has been raining non-stop from Hurricane Patricia. We are in the green, blue and yellow section. The kids have enjoyed playing in the rain and looking for crayfish. Rain can’t stop us!

Somehow in the middle of this – I did something to my ankle. I am not sure if it is sprained, strained or a tendon was pulled. But, ice has become my friend.
The kids have been awesome to their Aunt Lana while she is trying to keep her leg elevated. These kind and sneaky kids had made me a hot bubble bath. They even laid out a red towel that made it fit for a queen.
They wanted to help me.
Me! The selfish one that didn’t like kids.
How could someone not like kids?
I live with so many regrets every single day.
But, one thing I will never regret is dying to self to have these gross kids.
Blessings to you! You are loved!