I love having my kids and that they are getting older. I have no idea how we had a clean house when they were little. Honestly, I can’t remember much…I think I lived on chocolate nutella alone.
Keeping the kids’ clothes organized was my nemesis.
I would just pack them in a box when they became too small and stick them in the garage. After a few years, I would take them to a consignment shop and buy “new” clothes for my ever-growing children. Honestly, it was a sweet trade off.
Then we moved. (If you decide to move – my one regret was not purging enough.)
Where we lived before, we had an awesome Facebook Garage Sale Group. After we moved here, I wasn’t too sure about doing those again. Then I came across the CCC sale, it is a Community Consignment Sale. It is a 3-4 day event that meets at a convention center and has tons of clothes of every size and even some housewares.
Last year, I decided last minute to participate because it sounded so easy to sell. I sent maybe 10 used shirts. I made money for not even trying. Can you say Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner?!?
This year, I have been diligent and on task. It has been a family effort that started right after the Christmas tree was put away. We had a few “fashion” shows, where the kids tried on clothes, if it was too little then it goes to the “sale closet.”
Everything has to be on a hanger, so I even had to ask my neighbors if they had any old hangers. Of course, everyone but us had a plethora of old wire hangers. We received enough and I didn’t have to use my nice plastic hangers. This was a plus to me and saved me more money.
And do you know what is funny?
This “deep spring clean” has been liberating for not only me, but my entire family. When you get rid of the old – you can really see what you have and we realized it has been too much. Too much becomes clutter. Clutter is ugly. So my new motto for our closets is: “Don’t be ugly. Be Clean and Refreshed!”
Oh, Moms of littles be encouraged. Don’t feel like everything has to be done today…if you just have to stick it in a box – then do it. Spend time with your littles. One day, they will be driving off in your car and you might be lucky to get a hug.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
And yes, my teenage drivers ALWAYS give me a hug and kiss or they are grounded from the car. See what I did there? 😉
“This “deep spring clean” has been liberating for not only me, but my entire family. When you get rid of the old – you can really see what you have and we realized it has been too much. ” I love this! It’s so true. By letting go of your clutter, you keep what is really special too you and it turns out that it’s more than enough! I really enjoyed this post 🙂