I think I am in the part of my life where I could be officially called not a Generation X or maybe it is a Generation Y. I honestly do not know what generation I am. I hang on to the fact that my daughter called her father and I – “young looking.” And “Young Looking” is where I will stay.
It is well with my soul.
Yesterday, as I taught one of my favorite “Study Hall” classes at a local homeschool co-op, I taught them how to “Walk like an Egyptian.” They excelled. I later had to apologize to the next-door neighbor’s anatomy teacher or some kind of science class, as we disturbed their more intelligent book learning. But, you know…I don’t want these kids to be brought up on a trivia show for millions of dollars and NOT know how to “walk like an Egyptian.” I was just thinking of their future.
One day, I feel I might either get kicked out as an awful teacher or get the Teacher of the Year award. There definitely will be no middle. Hopefully, it will be the latter. Ha!
It is well with my soul.
In these awesome classes, we chat about life-shattering topics like blue mascara, gel fingernails, books we are reading, sports – especially volleyball, chickens, goats, what we are grateful for, favorite foods, and ways and subjects we learn in other classes. It is supposed to be a class to catch up on homework or a reading hour. But, as long as they don’t have homework, we have meaningful chats and fun games – and their parents know.
I notice after I leave these two classes of different kids, my heart is so full.
It is well with my soul.
They have no idea how many roads they will travel in the future. They have no idea who they will marry. If they will have kids or fight in a war. They have no idea what zip codes will be on their permanent record. They have no idea if there will be a new type of social media sites like Facebook, TikTok, or Insta. They just don’t know the future. Just no idea.
It is well with my soul.
I mentioned yesterday what one of my 5th-grade teacher said to our class, which seemed so random to us students at the moment. I remember her sitting at her desk, sipping what must have been HOT never-ending black coffee. In fact, I never remember her without a hot cup of joe. How could she stand that? Before she began our history lesson, she said words that bothered me for years.
“Learn to laugh at yourself.”
What? That seemed out of line. How can I laugh at myself? That is so rude in my 5th-grade mind. People that laugh at me are not my friends. And laughing at myself is borderline “loco in la cabeza” – just pure crazy!
Honestly, I have no idea what prompted why she told us these words. And she probably had no idea that a 40-something young adult – still remembers.
But now, decades later, I am taking it as grace.
Learn to laugh and have grace.
We are bound to mess up. We are bound to not do everything we “ought to do.” When it happens (and I’m not talking about a sin against God) but more like when you forget the cord to your computer and need it for a presentation. Rebound. And find an alternative. Act it out instead. Don’t compromise and quit. Just make do and do your plan B.
Unfortunately, I feel like I live on Plan B, Plan C, and even Plan Z.
And you know what?
It is well with my soul.
Because God even had a Plan B. His first plan was not sin. Oh Adam and Eve, bless your hearts that you were first but not the last. But, He gave us Jesus when sin entered. That way we could see Him through His sacrifice. Oh, I get so excited when Easter is coming.
It is well with my soul.
Blessings to you! You are loved!