Have you seen those new commercials? I think they are Bing.com. The man is in bed with his wife and she asks him if he checked on the price of the airline tickets. He starts rattling off a million things he found when he explored the Internet. OH SOOOO true! Guilty as charged! For the […]
What just happened???
My hubby and I have something new going on. We have a movie night. Not just any movie night, we go to our bedroom. What is the big deal you ask? We don’t have a t.v. in our bedroom. Before you wonder what kind of blog are you reading – I assure you this is […]
Special Delivery from Dave Ramsey
Special Delivery from Dave Ramsey My hubby coordinates a Financial Peace University Class at our church. One of the perks, is we get to get the empty box the kits come in (some people would dare to call it trash). We call it cheap thrills for our 2 year old. Do you think Dave Ramsey […]
Star Wars…
My kids and hubby love Star Wars. Speak Yoda my kids do. For them this is. Check out our Star Wars Wookie Cokie Cake that we had at our Star Wars party. It was a HUGE success. Blessings to you! You are loved! ©www.ilovemy5kids.com
Critter Getters…
This week has been anything but boring, thus the reasoning I haven’t been blogging as much. (By the way – if you happen to say the “B” word in our house – you will be getting lots of chores. My kids think this is a “real” cuss word.) [easy-share buttons=”no” counters=0 native=”selected” show_fblike=”yes”] This was […]