It is raining in Texas! Please don’t stop! [easy-share buttons=”no” counters=0 native=”selected” show_fblike=”yes”] It is no secret that we live in Texas. It may be a secret that we are in exceptional drought. This is two levels higher than extreme drought according to the US Drought Monitor. Even our dog, Brighton enjoyed getting a little […]
My soul melts from heaviness….
[wpsr_pinterest] Praying for those in Newtown, Connecticut and all the families. May the the Lord give them a strength that can only come from Him! Blessings to you! You are loved!
My heart is hurting for this Mommy…asking for prayer.
Words cannot ever fill the pain of losing a child… I’m just asking for prayer for this precious Mommy and her family. Her story! Blessings to you! You are loved! ©