…iles, with 5 kids, in our cramped SUV with a broken dvd player, we arrived home a little after midnight, this morning. We went to Tyler, Texas to visit my Grandma. My aunt planned a surprise birthday party for her with all her grandchildren. Only one didn’t show, my half-brother, who had to work. (Another cousin did show up the next day.) My Grandmother had made her grandchildren a special Christmas gift. Each of us received a framed puzzle that r…
Search Results for: label/BIG HOME RENOVATION 2010
IAH – Houston Intercontinental Airport – The waiting game…
…eat because I have to go to the bathroom. Poor guy. I think he had to walk home. He didn’t want the 6 kids or to turn around. He is a typical man with a wife in Duluth, who could have went to the bathroom whenever he wanted, yet decided to stay on the phone. (By the way, I’m sure this guy was really nice in real life and I truly never saw his face.) Back to reality…48.9657 minutes later we were now making funny faces to each other trying to get th…
Random and yet not so random.
…Second of all – I have more than enough. God has blessed our family with a home (even though it is not finished), God has blessed our family with a steady income, God has blessed us with our health, God has blessed our family with sweet friends, God has blessed our family with family – that would drop everything at a phone call and come running to help us, if needed. God has blessed our family with matching shoes and clothes. I’m truly grateful ev…
The Cold War
…ees and yes we are only in January. At night, it seems to be warmer in our home. My husband, who I will refer to as Mr. Polar Bear, loves the cold air, especially at night. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love cold air, however, I think someone has to draw the line when the kids have icicles on their noses. We sleep with a light sheet, a ceiling fan blaring, a portable fan on medium and the central air conditioner on. The central air is where our probl…
World’s Largest Fishing Pole, a lil’ secret and a Lighthouse
…und awful? {By the way, the word awful originally meant full of awe…yes, I home school and know way too much trivia.} [wpsr_pinterest] You can order a seafood botana and feed your entire family for pretty cheap. I would suggest substituting the fish for popcorn shrimp, it makes it go further. We love this place! My boys really loved it! By the way, a Botana is very popular dish in this part of Texas. Usually it is fajita meat loaded on a bed of to…