It has definitely been a fun ride!
We met in Pensacola, Florida on a trip to the Brownsville Revival, even though we lived in Texas about 2 miles from one another. We didn’t see each other after that for a few months. God truly did change my life that weekend. He gave me a man after God’s own heart. That is what “David” in the Bible was known for and thus my husband’s name.
After that, we kept “running” into one another. He was a youth pastor at one church and I worked at another church as the treasurer/secretary in the same tiny town. Our denominations were different but we served the same Lord.
After many “run ins”, he called to ask me to go eat at a little Mexican food restaurant with some friends. This was in late February. In the beginning of March, the church he was at, decided not to have a youth pastor anymore, so he was moving to another town about 45 minutes away. Before he started there, as youth pastor again, he had gone back to his hometown in Kentucky, for the whole month of April. That is where I believe our relationship flourished.
We would talk for an hour or more everyday. (Thanks Grammy for the phone bill.) Even though we didn’t see each other, our communication blossomed. One of our favorite things to do still, is sit and talk about nothing with a cup of java.
He got back to Texas in late April/early May. On May 2nd, we went to the same little Mexican restaurant. That night we left our friends at their house and he drove me home. The sky that night was having an awesome TEXAS electrical storm. It was something to behold. There was no rain just a beautiful striking lightening show, something only God could produce.
David asked me, “if God asked me to go to China (I did not want to go there with great passion.) would I?” I answered “Yes but only if God wanted me there”. He was testing me to see if I was truly the “right” one. (Apparently, I passed.)
We stopped in my parent’s driveway and I got out of the car. David was still in the car so I went around to his side. He looked ill. I asked him, “Are you okay?
He said “Yes, just nervous”.
He then got on one knee and asked “Would you marry me?”
“Yes” was not my first response.
It was “Did you ask my parents?”
I wanted their blessing. He said,
“I’m not marrying your parents but, yes.”
Then, “YES!”
To this point, David nor I, had ever said “I love you” to one another.
In fact, it was 3 days later. This sounds funny, but we just knew.
We also saved our first kiss with one another until our wedding day.
(This I would not recommend right after the Lord’s supper in front of everyone you know, however, David says he still would.)
I married him with the tabernacle colors all around us. (I had just finished the Beth Moore study, His Dwelling Place about Moses and building the tabernacle.)
We wanted and still want everything to have a representation of Christ i.e. our courtship, our marriage, and our family.
We’ve learned so much since that time. It’s so funny to think about but I didn’t want children. Yet, 6 months later we were pregnant. I’ve grown so much in every way including pant sizes. I love him so much more than those early days. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I know I truly waited for God’s best for me.
David truly loves me through all my faults. I never wonder of his love. He is such a sweetheart. He helps me in every way. We are truly one! Can you tell I’m still head over heels for him?
So, if you are single don’t settle for just good but hold out for God’s BEST!
That’s a great love story! But it’s even better that this was only the beginning of the love story!
Love, Anne x
what a beautiful love story!Thanks for sharing!
What an awesome story!
Great story. God is good!!!!
Wow, Lana!!! As always, your exuberance and passion for life and the Lord show in your writings. Thanks for telling me about your blog, and for loving me although I call you metallic.
hey, your blog is high tech! impressive!