Last Friday, I was able to take a Photography class. I loved it!I took this sunset last night. Isn’t the sky just gorgeous?
The teacher, taught us so much! I was very privileged to be able to hear her speak. (Thank you hubby, for taking off a half day to stay with the kids.) Her work has been in National Geographic Books and even at the Smithsonian Institute.
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I learned. I would love to be able to just sit in her presence and learn. Isn’t it neat how much we glean from a Master at just sitting at their feet? (That is a blog topic, for another day.)
One of the many tidbits, I learned, I thought I would share with you:
Digital cameras are like vacuums. When you change the lens, battery, or photo card turn it off, before you open the camera. If you don’t dust is sucked up into the camera. Dust is an enemy to cameras!
I pray you have a blessed day!
I love the pictures. I would love to be able to take a photography class. Sounds like fun.