First of all, the “B” word is a bad word in our home. If it is used there will be consequences of chores.
I want my kids to learn to entertain themselves. I also want them to be resourceful and not rely on someone else to make them content. This does not mean that I leave them unsupervised or let them play with matches.

Because I love the number 7 and we have a lot of ideas, my eldest son and I have came up with 77 Boredom Busters.
- Listen to Odyssey. (Mom – you can play this in the background while you blog.) It teaches great lessons in life.
- Play Tic-Tac-Toe using chalk on the sidewalk. Instead of X’s use fish and instead of O’s use hearts.
- Play odds and evens. Using your hands like rock, paper and scissors – use fingers and add them up.
- Go on a bike ride and pass out candy to neighbors that are out in their yard.
- Give your children disposable cameras and let them take whatever picts they want. Get their view on things.
- Most libraries have Hank the Cowdog series. They have books but it so much fun to listen to the writer read his books to you.
- Vacation Bible School – My kids learn so many lessons from VBS plus it is a timeout for Mommy.
- Plan a jammie day. Wear your pajamas all day long with no plans except popcorn and silly movies.
- Have a park week. Visit every park in your city. One for every day of the week if your city is big enough.
- Have T-bucks. Or whatever your last name starts with… For every 10 T-bucks earned – kids get a treat. You make the rules. I.e…if you decide to have a surprise clean bedroom check and its clean – they get a T-buck.
- Have a Sweet Day. Each child gets to pick out what kind of sweet they get for dessert. We only have a Sweet Day once a week.
- Have a lego party. Have timed tournaments to decide who can build the fastest Lego tower.
- Let the children plant their own plant and be responsible for it. Cheaper than an animal.
- Make mud pies. Yes, this is messy, so don’t do it on the white couch.
- Play in the sprinklers as the grass is getting watered.
- Make cookies for your shut-in neighbor.
- My son loves to have wheel-barrel races.
- Draw cartoons using your family as the characters.
- Have a play-doo hour. Give incentives for the most creative igloo.
- My boys love
- Read aloud a book and let the kids act it out. Right now we are reading Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder. If it gets too long, then we act it out. When they eat popcorn, we do too.
- Have a charade box. In desperate times, pull it out and make Daddy act like a pig or mongoose.
- Practice on manners. Answering the phone is fun if it has practiced correctly.
- Have a coloring contest. Best creative page gets another T-buck.
- Read out loud in the parent’s bed. My kids love snuggling with everyone in one bed – be patient this brings on lots of silliness.
- Start a pen pal system. Have your child write a letter or color a page to a neighbor friend.
- Make your own pizza night. Including a dessert pizza.
- If you have girls, plan a manicure hour once a week.
- Play UNO. Give incentives to playing like winner gets stay up 30 minutes past bedtime.
- Half-price Books Reading Program It is free plus earn free books. Just read 15 minutes a day.
- Check out your Library’s Reading Program. Ours gives great prizes for reading books.
- HEB has a great reading program – this might be limited to Texas. You can earn a free T-shirt.
- Barnes and Nobles also has a summer reading program. Read 8 books get a free book.
- Make construction paper fish and use a straw for the pole and tape as the hook. Most fish get a prize.
- Let your children cut coupons. If you are scared to let them use your good ones let them use expired ones. It will help them learn and you don’t have to fret about your good ones.
- Plan a Gilligan’s Island re-run marathon. Let them make up a plan to get off the island.
- Have a stare contest! Again, give those T-bucks.
- Have a 15 minute – get your room clean contest. More T-bucks. You should get a T-buck reading this far…
- Water balloon fights. Mom and Dad need to be involved to make it super fun!
- Make a treasure hunt. Winner gets to keep the item i.e. remote control for the next hour.
- Make a summer calendar. Show the kids what is planned out so they will have something to look forward to.
- Go swimming. I love that this wears out my children more than anything.
- Identify the trees in your neighborhood by using a tree identification book. Don’t help – let them learn by asking questions.
- Play the “what if” game. I.e. What if your friend lost his lunch and you had a big lunch, what would you do? or What if Mommy got lost in Wal-mart, what would you do?
- Plan a picnic in the living room. My kids love this. No t.v. just a plain picnic with the a/c on.
- Run relay races why mom reads a book.
- Go to the area pet store. Award prizes to the ugliest pet, cutest pet and pet that we are never going to have in home award.
- Give a budget and go goodwill or dollar tree shopping. Each kid gets just a few dollars to spend on whatever they want.
- Make your own ice-cream in a ziploc bag.
- Let your children decorate the dinner table anyway they want. Tell them it is their restaurant. However, supervision is a must depending on your china. Give them ideas, from a Barnyard to Star Wars. My mom always serves jell-o in wine style glasses.
- Have an Italian night! Go all out and maybe put on an Italian Opera.
- Make a jar of places each person in the family would like to visit. Be extravagant – you never know if you will be able to go. Read these aloud!
- Make a happy jar! Name some things that you have done or have that make you happy. Everyone has to have 7 entries each week.
- Serve ginger ale and sherbet in a punch bowl for lunch just for the fun of it. Add tea sandwiches with the crust cut off.
- Hit the dollar movies. I have never been but I am looking into this summer.
- Play kick the can. My hubby told me about this one. You fill up a 2 Liter bottle with gravel. Someone who is it – guards the can. Other kids hide behind trees or houses. The object is to kick the can without getting caught.
- Crash a wedding – hey, I’ve always wanted to do this. If my sister is still reading this – want to join me?
- Make potholders. Cracker Barrel has a kit that cost around $5.00 to get started.
- Make an obstacle course for your hot wheels. Go all out!
- Make a volcano! Baking soda and vinegar work great together.
- Go bowling! If you are still reading – you should get 3 T-bucks.
- Lay on your back and stare at the clouds. Try to find Mickey Mouse or your dear Aunt Ruth in them.
- Freeze Tag! We love this one! Uses lots of energy!
- Wash the car together. Play music and always turn it into a water fight!
- Build a gingerbread house! Make it summer friendly with a pool or sandbox.
- Have Christmas in July. Set up a small Christmas tree and give gifts of food to a local food pantry.
- See how many school supplies you already have so you don’t have to buy as much.
- Lowes has a build and grow clinic. FREE!
- Home Depot has a Kid Workshop. FREE!
- Buy a canvas. Put paint in a water gun or spray bottle. Make a masterpiece.
- Have a bubble gum blowing contest.
- Go to the local airport and just watch the planes. Count how many you see in 10 minutes.
- Eat watermelon and have a seed spitting contest.
- If your kids are older, set up an interview with your pastor. Let your kid be the reporter. Ask questions, like why he became one, how old was he when he heard the calling, and does he want to go anywhere special?
- Fill a vase with jelly beans. Let the kids guess how many? The winner gets to be queen or king of the day.
- Give your children the Living Word – BIBLE! Talk about what Jesus has done for them and how much He loves them. Give them thought provoking questions that encourage them to look up the answers in the Bible for themselves. Let them become students of the Word!
I hope this helps you! We had a blast coming up with them.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Partying with:
The “B” word is not allowed in our house either. I love all your list of things to do. Think I might work on some for my teenager.
Crash a wedding? Seriously, you crack me up!
Want to do it with me? 😉
Your publish requires the award in my publication. I wish you do not thoughts if I create it out and equipment it to my walls. These are great ideas!
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas! I’m stopping by from the Raising Homemakers link-up.
Great ideas! I have four kids, ages 8 – 17. I think summer boredom started on about day #2 of the summer! I will definitely save your list. A few days ago, my oldest had 3 of her friends over and they all (including my younger kids) were in the backyard having a 4-square tournament! Love to see that happen!
LOVE these ideas. Summer is so hard with the kids at home and I hate the B word as well.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today!!!
I am really enjoying reading through yours also. I love all these great ideas! Esp. the suggestion to have a Gilligan’s Island marathon. I am feeling old right now as I actually remember a lot of those! :O
Take care and have a terrific weekend!
This is a GREAT list. Check out my post with maybe a few more ideas too… (although I doubt it – yours was pretty comprehensive!!!!)
Wow, lots of ideas! I guess with 5 you get lots of experience beating the “I’m Bored” blues. We personally love to get out and get going and are always on the look out for fun free activities in our area!
Wow! Great list! I didn’t know about those reading programs at heb and half priced books. thanks
Just had to stop back and let you know how much fun we are having with your list. We rarely are looking for things to do… usually too many things we want to do and not enough time but…we liked your list so much I printed it off and we’ve been making time for some stuff on there. thanks,
Kat for the Wachter clan
Thanks for visiting my scatter sunshine blog so that I could find yours- I’m a Texas mommy too. I love that you raise your children with the teachings of Christ. I try to do that too. And thanks for all of these awesome ideas! They’ll be put to good use.
I love these ideas! If I had kids, I’d totally be all over these ideas. Several of the ideas will be good for just my husband and I, to get out of the house and do something. Thank you 🙂
i love the interview pastor idea….another can be grandparents and hey, they can even use email if they are far away from the person…
too hot to go to park..count me OUT, i’m happy here up in
This Grammy read the whole list. think I earned some bucks (o: I am going to give my DIL some ideas. She has 4 little girls.
This is an awesome list! I am going to print it so when we are looking for something new I can use some of your ideas…like the opera night. My kids make shows all the time but have yet to do an opera. I think it is amusing that many of your ideas are things we do, too. Love your page and love that you have a favorite number. Maybe I should get me one of those. I look forward to reading more of your page and getting to know you better. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for stopping by and saying HI.
I’m going to bookmark this to come back to later…we do the make your own pizza night sometimes and the kids loooove it!! Just stopping to check in on a fellow SITSa…hope you’ll do the same!
Oh my goodness! Your post takes the prize in my book. I hope you don’t mind if I print it out and tack it to my wall. These are great ideas!
Thank you so much for taking the time to put them together! 🙂
It’s nice to “meet” you, btw,and I’m sure I’ll be back often!
I love #9, except that her in the Houston area, it’s just too dang hot! And it would probably take us a month or more to hit every park. 🙂 Maybe we can make that a winter boredom buster idea!
I love this post! I’m going to pass the link on to my mommy friends. =) THanks for taking the time to put this together. And yes, I really did read all 77. How many T-bucks do I get? Hee hee!
Great list! We will be using some of your ideas to add to our own list! I love your pictures! Have a fun summer!
What awesome ideas Lana. Thank God for your resourcefulness!Gonna try out as many as we can in our apartment ;>
Awesome! Thanks for all the ideas!
Thanks for visiting our blog. Your kids are adorable. I will be having our fifth this summer!