On a recent trip to Houston we stopped at IKEA. We love IKEA!!!My kids love it as well. They are sprinting to get inside!
I make them stop to point at the sign. Yes, the mean mommy!
It seems we have a hit a growing pain. Our eldest is too tall to go into the play land. He has grown almost a foot since the last time we were here. Oh the tears fell for me and him. I commanded him to quit growing and he didn’t listen. He got over it real quick but my heart still aches. I can’t believe he is growing into a little man.
This little guy couldn’t go in because he is not fully potty trained. He is getting better just not there quite yet. See him sporting his new backpack. If you sign up for IKEA’s kid’s club they give you all kinds of neat birthday gifts.
He still had fun in the children’s department.
A slide just for him.
After our quick shopping trip, IKEA fed us dinner. My kids had the choice of the menu but they still picked PB&J’s. Go figure!
Not to mention, chocolate milk. Oh, the goodies children can eat and not gain a pound.
So goodbye IKEA – it was a treat to see you again. We will see you next year.
Blessings to you!! You are loved!!!
That looks like FUN!! I didn’t know they had a place for kids…probably because I’m running right by there to check out all the cool furniture and accessories!! 😀
ps – where did you get that fun greeting message that popped up on the bottom of the screen? I’m so jealous…I want one! 🙂
Oh I love IKEA! IT looks like everyone had fun. I am sorry you son wasn’t able to go in. I tell my kids to stop growing too but they refuse to listen!