Yesterday was a day of days!
I woke up to “Honey, I let the dog out in the middle of the night and she is missing.”
Okay, let me give you this picture…I’m asleep, haven’t had my coffee yet, and I hop up quickly to go look for a stinky dog (who is NOT my best friend at the moment.) I run into the living room and find the front door wide open and all my kids are in the driveway (with their jammies still on.) I peek in the kitchen…the dog is asleep under the table.
My sweet hubby is yelling at the kids to come into the house, the reality hits me that I’m not wearing suitable clothes as I’m standing in the doorway, and the stupid dog is in the kitchen fast asleep.
The morning then goes into some metamorphism of normalcy until I send the kids outside in the backyard. Let me backtrack – just for a second… I wanted to catch the Dr. OZ show on the internet that talked about fleas and ticks – that is a whole other story for another year. He said to basically keep your yard pest free – you need to pick up the dog’s you-know-what every other day. Since my eldest loves that job (I’m so kidding) I send him out to do the dirty work. (There I’m back on track.)
The next thing I hear is “Mom!!!! I found a dead possum!” What, I still haven’t had my coffee yet! We live in the city!!! I gave up the animals when we moved here! I refuse to admit that the city has predators just like the country.
Luckily, my hubby is still home. He takes care of the predator. I want to go back to bed! But, Fridays are the days we do our home school at the library. So, I get dressed and made up so to speak.
I get all the kiddies into the suburban. The car won’t start. Really??? Really. I then tell my sweet prayer warriors to pray! They do. It starts.
We run a few errands before the library. I make it to the street where the library is and my car goes berserk. It loses all power so I can’t even turn on my hazard lights. I’m in the center lane, turning the key, to turn the engine, with no prevail.
I call 911. After 10 rings, they answer then hang up on me. I’m not kidding! They hung up! I call my hubby. He is on his way! Then he gets to the middle of the city and there is a funeral procession. I’m not kidding!
Then two precious Hispanic guys show up. I mention that they are Hispanic because I really think they are Angels who speak no English. I don’t care they understand a mother who is on her last leg – that is a UNIVERSAL language. They are too precious! They push my HUGE suburban to the nearest gas station. My son says “They must work out at Gold’s Gym because they are strong!” I love that there are still Good Samaritans.
Then at the gas station, I call another friend who has a mini-van who can carry some of my crew back to the house. Thank you sweet friends!!! My dead vehicle is towed home. Now, we are looking for a new “used” vehicle to fit 8 people as my car RIP. Hopefully, after the cash for clunkers deal – there are still “used” vehicles available.
These are the days – when you wake up and say “I really should have stayed in bed.”
However, I know that we are still blessed beyond measure and I’m really giving thanks in ALL things.
But….I really still should have stayed in bed.
Blessings to you! You are loved!!!
Are you sure you didn’t make this up…I guess you couldn’t have come up with such a sequence of events. lol My pastor shared a quote from a book, “chaos is the prerequisite to God’s creativity in your life” I have to hold on to that one on days like the one you shared, I pass it on to you
oh, boy. mamma said there’d be days like that…
Oh man that’s horrendous! Stuff like this only happens to mothers never fathers I always tell my husband that. I cannot wait for someone to actually display these trials of us moms in a movie someday!
My best, Lynn
Just think, if you stayed in bed… the angels couldn’t have done their job. 🙂 But yeah, I think we all have those CRAZY days. Glad you survived!!
Oh gosh, I’m sorry to hear about your car =( It’s wonderful that those guys were willing to help you out though!
I hope it ended on a good note!
I hope it ended on a good note!
Oh my! I apologize for getting reading entertainment over your crazy time! 😉 You had me captivated!
Boy, what a day! I hope today was much better.