My hubs has led the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Class more than a few times so we use the cash envelope system. Meaning I pay with cash most of the time.
Most of the time my grocery bill is always over $100.00 for the week. It is not uncommon for me to pay with a $100.00 bill.
But, when the cashier holds up the bill to the light – my temperature raises enough to get a cold sweat.
I always think to myself – what if it happens to be counterfeit? What if someone took out the little plastic thing in the bill? (Are those things really in there still?) What if the bank gave me the bill so they wouldn’t have to deal with forgery and stuck it with me? I never check their money! Then the cashier sticks the money in her drawer like it was no big deal. I guess it wasn’t to her.
Well, the U.S. Treasury is coming out with a new $100. bill or C-Note to ward off counterfeits.
Photos from Wikipedia.
Do you see the bell in the inkwell? Can you see Franklin? I just love looking at money…it is like a history book. You can have a whole relevant lesson just with this one bill. I love history!
Dear U.S. Treasury,
Thank you for making this bill so that my cold-sweats will leave when I’m checking out of my grocery store.
Crazy Mom and Franklin Lover
Blessings to you!!! You are loved!!!
Wow! That bill is crazy! And so sad that they have to work that hard to keep people from being dishonest!
But I have to admit I feel the same way anytime someone checks one of my bills!
I was in the bank recently when a whole bunch of counterfeit bills were found. They passed them around so we could see, and man, I really wouldn’t have known! It’s too bad people spend so much time and effort in crime, instead of something productive!
I love Dave Ramsey, too. We’ve ordered his homeschooling curriculum for our kids. If we can start them off right, that will be one of the best gifts we can give them!
Sheila from To Love, Honor and Vacuum
I loved my Government/Economics teacher in high school. We did a whole study on currency and the markings on money. (He had worked at a bank in the past) I really think that was the only class that I really learned something useful and that I could apply to everyday life! I love Dame Ramsey too. I just ordered his budgeting software and in Jan. we went to his live event. My only problem is that my hubby wants no part of the finances! UGH! Drive me crazy!
Ooooo, those are so cool! I definitely need more of those coming my way.
We do the envelope system, too (living like no one else…) and so we pay cash for groceries. I love the feeling of handing over cash, until they hold it up to the light. What if?
Man it seems like they change it every year. But I’m with you, I sometimes think, well what if it is counterfeit? Am I out that much money? I need that money! They are even checking $20.00 bills. We use the envelope method as well and pay cash for just about everything, so I know about those cold sweats!
Have a great day!