This is how I remember the conversation:
Husband – “My beautiful Queen – would you mind calling the kids into the very organized kitchen so they can see me gently and quietly put the foundation for the island in?”
Me – the Queen: “Oh, yes dear. Let me get them out of their bed so they can see this extraordinaire event that will happen in our very organized kitchen. Have I mentioned to you how much I love and appreciate you lately?”
Husband – “No, Lovey – I don’t recall you mentioning how great I am. But, your actions prove it to me over and over again. You are the bestest wifey in the whole wide world.”
Me – the Queen – “Oh, you brought tears into my eyes. I’m the lucky one! I’m also so glad you decided to tear up my kitchen and that you are now going to shoot a LOUD, obnoxious, SMELLY, oversized nail gun into my very organized kitchen – right at the kid’s bedtime.”
Husband – “It is NOT a problem, Sweetheart, – anything I can do to make your life more bloggable.” {My spell check says that “bloggable” is not a word – it is in my mind!}
The Hubs about to shoot the board into the concrete – kids preparing for the LOUD BANG!
They were preparing for bed before being beckoned to the “organized kitchen”. Only one had her jammies on which after this picture – I realized they were too small. When will kids quit growing so fast? All the kids got to keep a .22 caliber case.
When they left them in the kitchen, I trashed them. I know – bad Mommy. They stink. They are trash and I don’t want their undies drawer to smell like a shotgun. Maybe the kids won’t miss them (until they read this).
Until next time…
Blessings to you! You are loved!
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Love it! You are so funny. I love the ‘conversation’. I have them too….usually when I have something to admit! ‘Darling, lovely, gorgeous, husband, have I told you…… oh, and by the way ….!)
Love, Anne x
See? I KNEW we had a lot in common. This is exactly like the conversations my husband and I have. Those guns are scary. I am still crazy about the kid with the bandanna ties around his face. LOL! Lisa~
PawPaw and I are laughing at you “Queenie Poo”. Who needs new jammies for Christmas, let us know. Hurry finish this project, we want to run away from home.
Calgone take me away…….
Love you! (Calgone was you know who’s idea!)