There are some things that I expect to see in Texas and not in Kentucky. Black widows are one of those things I truly am happy never to see – period.
My father-in-law was working out in the yard and found this on a part of a wheel. I grabbed my camera and an empty chicken bouillon cube jar and came for a closer look.
My hubs does have the jar in his hand as he covers the spider for a closer look.
I then take it inside my in-laws home and start researching spiders – ugh. Even as I type this – I feel all crawly and creepy.
“Charlotte” is a black widow…ugh! I find out they are far up as Canada and pretty much everywhere. Ugh- again. I wish I had gotten a picture of the red hour glass on her underside. It was really hard to take without wanting to get too close.
I’m not a spider enthusiast but it was interesting to see her go after a fly the kids found for her.
I know God made them for a certain reason but ugh!
Blessings to you! You are loved – unless you are a spider (maybe someone might love you – just not me! Ugh!)
Black widows are EVERYWHERE here in the high desert of SoCal!! I was pretty freaked out about them when I first moved here (I grew up by the beach – no BW’s there!!) But now 20 years later….I leave them alone, they leave me alone! Hahaha!
Wow neat! This is a really great site! I am wondering if anyone else has come across something
similar in the past? Keep up the great work!
I HATE spiders. Yup! HATE them. We find brown widows on our porch ALL THE TIME!! One year I had a giant wolf spider come out of my oven. I actually blogged about it and it’s on my side bar called the Un-welcomed Visitor. You might have read it if you’ve been reading my blog awhile.
But just know that you are not alone on your not liking spiders!