Have a seat…
As a grownup, it is hard to make decisions. As a parent, it is harder. As a child, it is easy. You just follow the lead of your parents. As a child of God, He even gives us a book to follow. Sounds so easy.
But, we know the truth…
Life is filled with decisions. Sometimes you feel like you are making the right ones then all of a sudden – the carpet is pulled out from underneath you.
Sometimes I just need an adult timeout.
I need to hear God’s Word. I need to feel His presence. I need my sinful nature to be overcome with His goodness!
I just love hearing a Rhema word from the Lord. He is so faithful! People are people and they are going to fail but He will never let us go – He is not a man that He would lie.
Slow down, be still and know He is God!
Be encouraged this week! He just adores you!
Blessings to you! You are so loved!!!
Psalms 18:35 You give me Your shield of victory, and Your right hand sustains me; You stoop down to make me great.
36You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn.
He delights in you.