There are some days, he just smothers me,
With undeserved love.
I really don’t deserve him.
Yet, I’m SO very thankful God placed him in my path.
He says “I found a good thing.”
But, I know the truth,
God knew I was going to need him.
He sent me my Boaz.
I feel like I was redeemed.
I also know he loves me,
like Christ loves His bride.
We don’t live in denial and have a perfect life…
it is more like swimming in a deep ocean
and the sharks would love to eat us alive sometimes…
but we keep our eyes on the true LIFE-SAVER.
He will never fail us – even in death.
I’m truly grateful for my husband,
words cannot even express.
Two things that really encourage our marriage are:
1. Finding out what our Spiritual Gift was as listed in Romans 12:6-8.
Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Leadership and Mercy
We believe there are different types of Spiritual gifts, i.e.
one for administrations, one for ministries, and one for service.
As Christians, we both had a dominant gift.
Very different gifts but they seem to complement us as a team.
2. Finding out what was our love language.
Gary Chapman, wrote a book called Five Love Languages.
He says, “everyone has a love language, and we all identify primarily with one of the five
love languages:
Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.”
Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch.”
I would add one: shopping alone and creamy milk chocolate.
Yeah, I know that was two.
He even wrote a book, The Five Love Languages of Children.
And even for singles!
So, how do you keep that God-given SPARK in your marriage?
If you are not married, how do you fulfill your love language?
Blessings to you!
You are loved!