My 2nd born daughter has such a sweet heart.
She has a laugh that is contagious and loves to give hugs.
She loves to carry her purse everywhere she goes. When we recently went on vacation I thought nothing of it when she had her wallet out. I didn’t even bother to ask her if she brought some extra money from her savings jar.
We had visited one of my favorite stores in Florence, Kentucky – Half Price Books. I saw her with her wallet in the store.
After a couple of hours in the store – when we were leaving…she said she couldn’t find her wallet.
I asked her how much was in it. She was in tears.
ALL her savings.
She had saved for years. She had approximately $100.00 in her wallet. This was HUGE for our little 8 year old. We don’t give an allowance. She had earned every penny.
Now I felt like crying.
We asked the workers. One was very helpful – he walked the store. The manager not so much. They looked for about 5 minutes but hardly even looked at us when we were talking.
It turns out they had security cameras but never offered to look until the next day when I called them and ASKED.
I had asked for the Corporate number – I was so upset about the apathy. I called corporate – they did apologize for the lack of caring from the manager. But, by that time – it was really too late to do anything… so they said.
I thought to myself – if this had been an adult’s wallet – the police would have been called. The manager would have at least looked at the lady’s face when he spoke to her. And she would have been consoled – hopefully.
My daughter had to learn a hard lesson. She shouldn’t have been carrying that much cash. We later found out her younger brother had put that money in her wallet. She didn’t know it was all her savings. Another heartbreak.
My soapbox: (Just ignore…if you want.)
It saddens me when adults treat kids like they are nothing and thinking they can justify it by saying “this is the real world.”
They will get the “real world” soon enough. It comes! AND comes fast!
Instead of breaking a kid’s heart – why can’t they just grant a wish once in awhile? What would it hurt? Really? Life is sooo short!
I’m not talking about spoiling a child or about giving in and never teach a lesson. But, when a child wants to play a game – why not play along? Even if it does involve being silly. You might just give him the inspiration to become something you could never be or just a little hope to succeed in life.
Who doesn’t want to be someone’s hero instead of “The Old Grouch?”
Things that could have been handled differently by Half Price Books…
- They could have offered sensitivity by at least looking into my daughter’s eyes and telling her they would look for the wallet. (They did tell me…but it wasn’t my wallet nor did they really seem like they would look for it.)
- They could have been less cold in their attitude.
- After we spent as much money in their store – they could have at least looked again.
This post is not to get back at Half Price books. We will shop there again. We love their children’s section. I find most of my homeschool curriculum there for super cheap. They are a Texas based company. And I do love Texas.
I do also understand that this is the holiday season and managers are responsible for many things – it is easy to be preoccupied. Helping a little child was just not a priority that day. I do hope that in the future – they would just be more sensitive.
Back to my daughter:
We prayed in the parking lot that whoever did take the money would have needed it more than us. That they would come to know the true meaning of Christmas. My daughter was heartbroken but she saw HOPE.
Hope in blessing someone who might really need the money. Hope in learning a lesson. Hope in really understanding that some do have joy even when there is no money.
Hope is something that most never see. We truly wish that the world would know that IT is available to all mankind. Money is truly just paper. We may never see that money again…but not all is lost. Money never produces true JOY! AND JOY is what we do have!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
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Lana, I am so sorry for the impact this has had on your daughter and your family. Our son had a grinding rail stolen out of our yard…and someone has attempted to break in. It’s unnerving and disheartening….Love you!
I am so sorry that this happened. My oldest daughter had her purse taken at the mall. It had gift cards and birthday money but the hardest thing for her and me was the fact that the purse was made by her great gramma just for her. That hurt. The mall was sympathetic but we never did get it back. We too prayed although my first thought was “so help me if I ever find the person who did this…” You know how us mama bears can be. Lucky for my daughter her great gramma is still here and made her another one. It’s hard because this happened right after we moved here and she doesn’t get to see her great gramma anymore because she is half a country away. I pray that your daughter is blessed abundantly and learns something and I’m not talking about learning a bad lesson but learns that even though she is upset and you are too that you did what was right you prayed and that anytime anything upsetting happens she turns to prayer, forgiveness and mercy. You are teaching your children wonderful lessons. I will agree in prayer with you that the personhood took it comes to know peace and love that only knowing Christ can bring. I pray also that he or she is convicted and takes the money and wallet back to the book store. I hate that sometimes it feels like our kids have to grow up way sooner than they should.
Have a beautiful holiday season praying blessings over your family.
Be blessed
So thankful your Grandma got to make another purse! I still have my childhood purses and now my daughters use them…they are just so special. But, a homemade purse…how cool is that?!
I’m so sorry…first for the heartbreak she had to go through and the attitude of the manager. Very disappointing for a child. 🙁 I know God sees and He will restore what she lost in some way and yes, as always bring good out of all of this.
So thankful for Him! I love that He knows ALL and He has the BEST plan for us.
Miss you sweet “elephant friend”. 😉
Just thinking…maybe it was the manager that took her wallet and that’s why he wouldn’t cooperate (mom of 5 kids too, but they’re all grown up)
My niece recently lost her savings of $41, but after a few weeks, praise God she found it in the car tucked into a little crevice. I can only imagine how your daughter felt, and how much of a loss to comfort her you felt. Tell her I’ll pray that God will surprise her with His goodness and somehow make it right for her. Blessings!
I’m so glad your niece found her money! God has been so good to us…more than we ever deserve. 🙂
Blessings to you!
Lana, this is a truly amazing way to look at this! Thank you for sharing, I am very positive person but I don’t think I would have honestly thought to pray in the parking lot over the money that was obviously stolen. Thank you for having such a positive attitude and teaching your beautiful daughter such great values.
Prayer is an amazing thing. May the Lord be glorified! 🙂 Hope you are doing well!