A Zebra Frame Party for tweens
My daughter turned 11. Sniff! Sniff!
I love that she is growing up. I don’t like that she is growing up. You know?!
After scouring, Pinterest for interesting activities to do or play we decided to have Zebra and decorate frames.
More on the frames in a future post! (Here is that FUTURE FRAME POST.) It was seriously, the cutest party favor evah!
I have a board just for a Zebra Girl’s Party. Isn’t Pinterest fun to organize your life?!
Feel free to follow my boards – I’d be ecstatic!
(Just a hint, if you don’t like all of them – just follow those that interest you.)
A word of warning: be careful searching zebra print –
don’t ask me how I found out. GEE – WHIZ!
Here is a super simple idea if you have an extra five minutes and extra napkins!
A Napkin Zebra Spring Wreath
It took me like five minutes to make.
I used a screwdriver that I saw on my bar
(leftover from my husband who is notorious for leaving tools on my kitchen counter – yes, I might have a few issues with that and might need counseling) and kind of twisted the napkins into a leftover wreath I had from the 1990’s. (I feel old!)
I had seen a few on pinterest – like 10,000 or so.
Since we had a slumber party, I wanted each of the girls to keep their cups all night. I found zebra duct tape and made zebra cups.
How easy was that?!
My daughter despises pink so we added lime green everywhere. We could only find zebra napkins with pink lining but the lime green went well with it.
For the menu:
- Cheeseburgers (that my hubby made) Had bleu cheese crumbles, bacon and sauteed onions for the adults.
- Chips and Crock Pot Cheese Dip (Velveeta, Cream of mushroom, Rotel diced tomatoes and chilies)
- Flavored carbonated water with fruit
- Zebra cupcakes in zebra liners (Marble cake mix with simple buttercream icing.) Added zebra candles for extra flair.
I like simple. For a snack the girls made microwave popcorn and had fruit.
For a photo backdrop:
- We added a zebra shower curtain.
- Black and white balloons
- A large empty frame for a prop.
This backdrop provided the perfect “party favor.” (Which will be posted later on.)
My daughter told me over and over again how she loved our craft and how it was the most unique party she has ever attended. Now she was to be a party and wedding planner (or a teacher). I got to say…that blessed my heart. I have purposely tried to make parties special in their honor.
We love parties! With 5 kids with so many different personalities – we enjoy making it special for each one! Love making memories!
Some of our past parties:
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Oh, these photos make me a bit teary…I just want to hug you all! Her zebra party turned out so fun! What an awesome idea. 🙂