I love flip flops.
In fact, most of the year, they are all I wear.
And boots. Love boots. This is Texas, you know?!
My favorites are a brand called Yellow Box.
[button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””]Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies.[/button]
But, they can be pricey.
So if I see them for around $10. to $12. – I grab them up.
AND they last me a long time.
Well, I found a little new hangout…
Ross and TJ Maxx.
I used to go for just the house essentials.
They are so much cheaper than Target/Walmart for shower curtains, rugs, pet supplies, cool kitchen gadgets (can openers), etc…
I honestly skip over the shoes. Mostly because it is so disorganized and that drives me nuts.
One day last week, I noticed a pair of Yellow Box in the wrong spot and not my size but they called my name. I didn’t even know this store sold Yellow Box .
So, I made myself go to the shoe department. <Insert scary music.>
I should mention, I detest shoe shopping. I don’t do it unless I am with my Mom (she is an awesome shoe shopper) or my kids’ shoes soles are truly falling off. Which happens more often than it should. Here is another post “How to take your kids shoe shopping.” It also includes my love for Yellow Box.
I found 4 different pairs of Yellow Box.
I got my daughters a pair each and two pair for me. Still less than the original price of one pair. SWEET!
But, then when I made it to the check-out, I asked the cashier if they were the right price, still thinking I was getting a good deal.
He said “Let me check…nope, they are the wrong price.”
My heart sank a little.
He then said “They are $.50.”
I told him something like “You made my entire month!”
I noticed the security officer looking at me…probably because he saw I was smiling so big.
No one smiles after leaving the shoe department.
Unless they find a SUPER deal!!!
(No one will even notice that they are not really the right size.) So, shhh….don’t tell.
But, you are welcome to share with your friends. 😉
Blessings to you! You are loved!