[button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””]Note: I have been sent complimentary copy for review purposes only. Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies. This review has not been monetarily compensated. The review was my honest opinion and views and not influenced by the sponsor in any way.[/button]
Family Toolbox Review
I am NOT a perfect parent. Either is my husband.
We have made some ugly mistakes in this parenting journey.
Thank the Lord for His grace! And our kid’s grace.
We are always open to wisdom from others who have fought the “good” fight.
These children – they are so worth every ounce of struggle with us learning to lead them. They are a masterpiece.
With 5 kids – I feel like time is passing by too fast and I am missing a key somewhere. I’ve been teaching my kids scripture since they were little but I still bribe or give incentives to get things done. I want them to do things because it is in their character to do things with integrity.
I love my kids, thus my blog name, as most parents do. I not only want to encourage parents to do what is “right” for them but to do raise up children in the Lord, to be strong and full of stature.
Sorry, if this seems long. This has been my heart for the last few weeks. We had a major move, over 12 hours from the only place my kids have really called home. Since then I have seen some ugly issues that I am sure were there before, but since we have been under pressure – the real us has began to shine its ugly face.
So when the Family Toolbox became available we jumped at the chance to review it.
My husband and I sat down and watched all 16 videos.
Family Toolbox Church Kit from Scott Turansky on Vimeo.
Let me just say a few words about how we felt when we were watching the videos:
- Oh man, that was us.
- We are not the only ones with kids that have parents like that!
- Relief.
- Amen!
- YES!
- I love the Lord gives us HOPE!
- We can do this!
Ok, that was it in a nutshell.
Let me open that nutshell a little more…
Each video has a dramatic scene for a teenager and parents to see together and a second video for just the parents to see alone.
The first video has a family that experiencing some type of problem. A problem that is very common in most families from handling pressure without using losing control, importance of correction, accepting no as an answer, dealing with anger, and considering the needs of others.
The second part of the video is for the parents only. It gives principles that help deal with the problem and gives practical advice. When I first watched this video, I felt like it was missing something – it was the book. The book just makes it come together with worksheets. You must use both, in my opinion for it to make total sense.
Both my husband and I will be using this with each of our children. I have a feeling it will solve many heart issues in our own lives.
[callout] I feel that it is an answer to many prayers from this Mom.[/callout]
Isn’t it funny how we think we are going to change others but we ourselves seem to be the ones who need to change first?
I would definitely recommend these videos to any parents. Video lessons that help any parent become the tools that kids need to live a fulfilled life.
The Parenting Video Series That Reaches a Child’s Heart. Watch it with your kids!
[callout]Video lessons that help any parent become the tools that kids need to live a fulfilled life.[/callout]
These are the table of contents included in the :
- It Starts with the Heart
- Follow Instructions Well
- Handle Pressure Without Losing Your Cool
- The Value of Correction
- The Importance of Responsibility
- Accept No as an Answer
- Deal with Your Own Anger
- Consider the Needs of Others
I can’t even tell you which ones are my favorite because at one point of my life or another – I needed them all.
Product Description:
The Family Toolbox is a DVD/video-driven program that brings parents and teens together for constructive dialogue around significant issues of discipleship. Conversation is sparked by engaging video clips. Sixteen Life Success Principles are communicated through eight lessons that give parents and teens biblically-based, practical topics for discussion. The format grabs teens and gets them interacting.
The Family Toolbox has 8 lessons. Each one has a 1-2 minute scene of a family living life and experiencing common challenges in their relationships. A discussion guide prompts dialogue between parents and teens and a 10-minute teaching session for parents featuring Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN gives practical tools to use right away.
The Family Toolbox:
- Home version downloads
- Home Version – Cds and book (Highly recommended!)
- Church program Download
- Church program (Would be an awesome Parenting Class!)
If you are going to be free on Thursday night, feel free to stop in at the Facebook Party!
Virtual Chocolate for all!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Nice to “meet” you at the FamilyToolbox Facebook Party!