Well, yesterday was quite the day.
I decided to start a new series…I am Thankful. A series inspired by a real messy life.
Looks are so deceiving.
Yesterday, I decided to start put weight on my foot without using my crutches. I did some laundry. (I love laundry…I know I am weird.) I threw away some rotting food that had found it way to the sandwich drawer. Progress!
I even took a shower.
Then – my son reminds me.
“Mom – Can you cut my hair?”
That meant standing up for a long extended amount of time. But, I had promised him I would do it. He needs a hair cut for promotions in his organization. Which means acceptance letters from colleges. You see, if I don’t give him this hair cut – his entire future could go down the drain.
Okay, I may be embellishing a little. This is how I felt.
So, he placed all the cutting tools including a turquoise cape in front of the front door. I hobbled out the door and turned my phone on an Amazon Prime Music station. I’m actually feeling good.
Then a neighbor passes by as I am cutting and trimming away. She calls out “I do that too to my sons. You are probably much better than I am.” I shout back – “I truly doubt that.” She then says “Look your cape even matches the wreath on your door.” Quietly, I cringe…that is a summer wreath that I wanted to take down September 1st. Then she lays the ultimate bomb – “You really have your ACT together!”
Oh the appearances!
I’m barely standing. I haven’t made dinner plans. My house is crazy looking inside and outside. This remodel is taking forever. And this precious soul thinks I have my act together.
A song comes on the radio and my son starts to hum. He loves music like his Dad. He listens to a song a couple of times and has it memorized. He and I have a moment to bond. I like him. I am so grateful that I am able to cut his hair and he has to sit still long enough for me to hear what is going on in his life.
I then realize this moment is fleeting. He will be flying from our nest soon. Until then I will be giving him maybe a weekly haircut just because “appearances” are everything.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Read the I AM THANKFUL series: