I love flip flops. In fact, most of the year, they are all I wear. And boots. Love boots. This is Texas, you know?! My favorites are a brand called Yellow Box. [button align=”” color=”” size=”” link=””]Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies.[/button] But, they can be […]
Things I learned being with teenagers
Things I learned being with teenagers this past weekend at the Schlitterbahn Beach Resort in South Padre Island, Texas. [wpsr_pinterest] I am old. The music that teens like and listen to make my eardrums question if they actually belong in my ears and I think my heart is still feeling the bass from the intense […]
Blessing Others
A friend of mine contacted me (and my daughter) last week about keeping her kids while her and her hubby went out of town. I love these calls! Can I just say it is always an honor to help my friends who need a get-a-way with their husband? (He was playing peek-a-boo! Can you say […]
Best GIFTS you can give
Love seeing all my friends and them sharing how they celebrate this season. From candles on their kids’ heads, to a naughty elf showing up in weird places, to Nativity scenes, to some single Moms barely making ends meet, to some Moms who spend this Christmas like it is their last and try to buy […]
My ponderings for Monday
Today is Monday morning. We just got back from another #RoadTrip5Kids. That means we sleep late and bless the house. [easy-share buttons=”no” counters=0 native=”selected” show_fblike=”yes”] I am trying to make lists, for everyone. I keep coming back to – it is time to have a garage sale. But, I wonder if they will do good […]