I love the Bloggy World. I find great ideas and they are mostly free. From alphabet crafts to zebra decorating, you can find mostly EVERYTHING under the moon. However, I do have a few aggravations! If you have the answers, I would be glad to hear it!
(Where else except in Blog World – can you see my two year old Crocodile Hunter?)
Aggravation numero Uno : (I feel like counting in Spanish today)
Since I visit soooo many places – I forget where I have been. Yes, in essence I have lost my marbles (my family is saying “Amen” right now.
I found the neatest craft the other day, actually it was in June. It was a paper monogram stitched with thread in a frame hung by a string covered in rags given as a teachers’ gift. The post had a cartoon on it that said “Boys are Stupid.” It was honestly, the cutest thang. Problem is – I CAN’T find it. I have looked everywhere I normally go and then some! I erase my cookies in my web browser every once in a while so my history is gone as well. Do you know what I’m talking about?
Aggravation Dos:
When people add my blog to their blog roll and they add thumbnails, my thumbnail never shows up. It also never shows up on my own Reading List on the Dashboard page. I have tried researching this and to NO avail. (I’m not talking about adding a blog list on MY page with your little icon.)
Aggravation Tres:
I seem to always have the questions, Google has not put in their search engines yet. I can’t think of an example right now but it will come to me and I will let you know.
Aggravation four:
My followers have disappeared. It says I have 70 or so followers but I can’t see their faces. I did do a little research on this one, it appears to be a glitch of some sort.
Aggravation cinco:
Sometimes I get knocked off of certain blogs. I have heard this was a glitch in the Followers gadget. It just needs to be put lower on the page. Just so you know, some people might not be getting in, including me!!!
Aggravation six:
Word verification for leaving comments. If you save the comment before posting it is really not necessary and a pain for those who are leaving a comment. It is extra typing and lost time for the person trying to leave a comment. Glad to get that off my chest!
Aggravation SEVEN (Gotta have my seven!):
HTML language. I need an interpreter. This was NOT a language at the tower of BABEL – I’m almost sure of it! Okay, maybe it was! I FEEL lost and betrayed when using and reading it. There MUST be an easier way!
Thanks for reading my AGGRAVATIONS!
I pray you have a wonderful week!
Don’t you just love Works for Me Wednesdays – although I really hope to get some answers.
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Couple of ideas, if you saw the craft in a reader (like google reader or bloglines) then those have the best search funtion. But otherwise I don’t know.
What browser are you using? I know that IE has been causing problems with other blogs. Really there are others that are much more funtional. I Love, love, love firefox.
HTML is a language 😉 its a computer language and its not that hard once you get used to it. What problems are you having? I know a fair amount and would be happy to try and help.
I also can’t stand word verification!
I think I know what craft you are talking about but can’t remember where I saw it! I’ll go try to find it!
Blogger in general irritates me, but I still plug away! I’d love to move somewhere else but I’m sort of scared to. I’m sorry you’re having so much trouble. 🙁
I just wanted to swing by and thank you for stopping by my blog! Nice to see new faces 🙂
This was great! I have to say it made me laugh! I too share in some of your aggravations! I wonder why the follower gadget has such issues, they need to work on that. Also, I am clueless when it comes to HTML, luckily I have my husband who knows a lot. Take care and have a blessed day