First of all – we’ve been busy! We meaning WE (hubs and I) plus friends.
Hubs and I like to have “tile parties”. They are kind of like Toga parties without the Togas and probably anything else in a Toga party except the word – PARTY.
First you invite friends over and tell them to wear “play” clothes that they don’t mind getting a lil’ dirty.
Be prepared: When you mention “tile party” – people get so excited they start begging to come over and share the thrill.
Next: Have lots of food and water. Your Cheap labor friends are going to get hungry.
Okay now on to the fun part…LAYING the tile!
First you got to realize where to start. We asked everyone! Everyone had a different answer.
We knew we wanted to lay the tile on 45 degree angle (diamond shaped) in our house. We also are doing the same time throughout the entire house.
Deciding where to start was simply NOT an easy task. Starting in the middle of the room was not an option because we wanted the “diamonds” to be centered down the hallway. Starting at the corner was not an option because of the same problem.
We finally decided (thanks to our friend, R.) we centered between these two columns and started the diamond in the beginning of the hallway.
It was genius thinking! The final layout was beautiful! It hit the walls perfectly!
First you lay a layer of Thin-Set on a clean surface!
Lay the tile over the thin-set carefully.
Use spacers or little crosses to keep the tile even spaced.
A Level is used to make sure the tile is even! Don’t trust the floor to be even.
We should have marked the places on the floor before laying any tile. But, we didn’t and you’ll never know where we messed up unless you want to mop my floors. Then you are welcome to find the mess-ups- which are still almost non-existent.
Our eldest got in on the action! He wrote scriptures on the foundation.
These guys worked great as a team!
They worked fast!
These are 20″ by 20″ porcelain tiles!
Porcelain Tile is better than ceramic tile for many reasons! In my Past post – Porcelain or Ceramic – I listed some differences.
He borrowed Mr. R.’s smart (aleck) phone to look up scriptures.
I mean the phone is GENIUS! It even has a light-saber app. You can pretend it is a sword and it makes noise like a light-saber. So cool!
Like I said SMART (aleck) phone! I’m a lil’ green with jealously. My phone doesn’t even show phone numbers anymore on the front. It has an attitude problem.
They were able to get in the kitchen as well.
Still no granite…when it rains – granite yards shut down. This is where you can cry with me. I need counters soon!
I know I’ve missed a few posts. Like putting in the oven. WELCOME OVEN!!! I like you because your DOUBLE the fun and have convection fans! Woohoo!
In the middle is my island – that has yet to be built. So pretend with me. That is where I function lately – in “pretend land”.
The living room looks fantastic! Maybe if you are new here…you might not think so…but it is GOING to look fantastic!
The cat loves the “cool” floor!
The lines are perfect!
We left a pathway into the kitchen because we are living here and need to eat. You can’t walk on the tile for 48 hours for it to set.
Don’t you love Mr. R.’s shirt?
So…What do you think of our tile???
How fitting for our Extreme Home Renovation!
(If you click on those words, {Extreme Home Renovation}
it will take you to the past remodeling posts.
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Blessings to you! You are loved!
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
My husband has that shirt :o)
Hiw fun, and how exciting! Good luck with the final steps of your home improvement project!
Grout is not white…we are using mocha colored grout! White with 5 kids don’t mix (except for my white couch…it is my hubs who likes to put his mocha colored coffee on it!)
Blessings to you!
Gorgeous tile! Love the paint color and the sure Foundation. And you totally need an iPhone. I have the lightsabor app too. So fun.
I love that tile you picked out. What a job though huh? Oy! My husband does not like laying tile. Hurts his knees, even with those knee thingy things. LOL!
Praying for counter tops! Praying for counter tops! LOL!
Have a fabulous day!
Love the floor, but really love the Scriptures being written by our eldest grandson! He will always remember that God’s Word is the only true foundation. Thanking the Lord for good friends who will work hard alongside you. Can’t wait to see it all.
Blessings girl!
If you are keeping the grout white, only use cleaning (white) vinegar or equivalent,when wet mopping the floor.
Bleach will take the white colour out of the grout.