I’m doing my best to make my kids like football! I love it! Well, I like it on T.V.! It means cooler weather, team-work, and good food!
Side note: If you want an easy lesson in football – go here for Football 101! It will make you be the envy of the party!
Growing up we were LUV YA’ BLUE fans! (Houston Oilers!) That was a long time ago – for those who were wondering. Houston Oilers have moved to Tennessee and eventually became the Titans. Which made no sense to me! Tennessee meant guitars and mountains to me. Not Greece.
Until we made our latest visit.
Nashville was is nicknamed “Athens of the South” because of all the schools. I had no idea!
Thus, the name Titans! (I still secretly call them the Oilers – because I will always Luv ya’ Blue! I will eventually get over it – Houston now has the Texans but it is still not the same.)
I love Tennessee!
(My Dad’s family comes from Tennessee and we still wonder why they left that beautiful place. Crazy relatives – We all got them!) I’m just glad my family thinks we are the sane ones – you know the ones with ALL the kids. HA!
We stopped by the Parthenon! The only one that is full-scale replica. LOVE IT!
My kids were standing where everyone apparently walks their dog in Nashville. It was stinky!!!
By the way, if you ever get to go visit…there is a parking lot right by the building so you can skip the stinky side.
But, you might miss this hill.
It is beautiful!
What Mom – wouldn’t want some photo ops?
I mean – just look at the photo…all the possibilities!!!
We love visiting places from all over the world! It just warms my heart that my 4 year old knows has seen Eiffel Tower and the Parthenon without leaving the United States.
Look at the ceiling! Gorgeous!
Princess eats it up!
I’m so thankful for my hubs especially since he “gets” me and my many many many love languages that change hourly.
I had more pictures of this guy…some with a shirt and some without.
I just lovemy5kids!
I totally want to go there now! I saw it in the Percy movie, but to know someone who has been there? COOL!!!!
I also want to see the real one too…
(Sorry, had to throw that in…)
I’ve never heard of that place. How cool! Lisa~
Love those kids and their mom. What a treasure and what a brave soul you are to travel the world with all those little ones! Angels looking over you, no doubt!
What cool shots! Stinky is never good!