Our DIY Chicken Coop made out of an old fence!
I should mention, this is what we did with photos…I will ask hubby to make instructions later.
We now our Chick Farmers.
Well, not really.
We live in the city. We own chicks. We have a garden.
But, the word Farmer is far from what we are. We have no idea what we are doing. Does Lucille Ball come to mind? Yeah, me neither.
My hubby and eldest son made this chicken coop. I love seeing them work together!
My hubby doesn’t read instructions. My son reads encyclopedias. Yeah, it was fun to watch!

And they have!
Look at our Kid’s Fort or our Fence.
We’ll never say no to free old lumber.

I love how my hubby made this door! I just thought it was so “Little House on the Prairie-ish.”

Notice the Sweet Hotel for our chicks!
I’m thinking the Chicken Ritz!
I’m thinking the Chicken Ritz!

The FINISHED Product!
(Except for the décor, chickens, and fragrant flowers to mask any un-wanted odors.)
(Except for the décor, chickens, and fragrant flowers to mask any un-wanted odors.)
So, what do you think? Not so Lucille Ball!
More like Green Acres!
Our chicks have arrived!
Their names are:
(which are subject to change once they go in the Big House…aka the Coop.)
Potpie, Fajita, Dumpling, Casserole, Noodle and Paula Deen.
No we are not going to eat them! Well, their eggs. But, not them!

For my Ethels – Bantams are just smaller chickens. Their eggs are much smaller.

Stay tuned for further updates from the Nut, City Slicker’s Chicken Farm!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Partying with:
Do you have instructions for the chicken coop made out of and old fence? We just got 5 chicks – 2 buff orpingtons and 3 black australorps. Would love to build this!
What is roof made from? Did you use pickets for that too?
Those yellow chicks definitely look like buff orphingtons! I would bet that’s what they are. We have 3 buff orphingtons that look identical to those. They have amazing temperaments and are great layers. Very calm and sweet birds 🙂
So where are the DIY instructions, measurements, and supply list?
Looks good! I’m looking forward to hearing how well it works. It looks small. Lisa~
2 years later…they are doing great! We have had a couple die due to extreme Texas heat. But, they were the exception. The chickens do prefer one box over all the others…it is kind of weird.
I guess that is where the phrase…birds of feather…flock together? Or something like that. 🙂
I will definitely be back here – with hubby next time, cos we’re looking into getting some chickens, but of course, we *cannot* buy a chicken coop…. No. no. no! Hubby has to make one, so here we have the ‘recipe’ for one. Perfect!
So cool little chicks. I always wanted some but now that we live in the country and I really could have them all of our neighbors raise them so we get our eggs really fresh and cheap. No need to raise them for the eggs but it would be fun to hug them.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Now – I would TOTALLY touch one of those! Great work on the coop – amazing!
Hooray for baby chicks! They are really cute! We actually keep ours in the house for the first week…in a box where everyone – cept’in the dog – can reach them! I can only handle it for a week, but, it is sweet noise and fun soft snuggles! Enjoy! – I think they may eat those ugly green worms if you’ve a mind to let ’em!
What’s amazing is how much my eldest grandson has grown up! Wow, he’s almost as tall as Daddy. Yall need to hurry up and come see Grandma – is it time yet? My chickens needs you! Of course, their coop is not as wonderful. Great job ! Might want to purchase an essential oil diffuser from your mom…..Love to all!