Lately, we have been a very busy family from buying, studying, and just learning how to’s. Below are a few sites that have helped us!
Just a note to ourselves: Hubby and I will NEVER clean the garage again before a major holiday! We worked our bum bum’s off.
My sweet friend teaches her kids to say “bum bum” instead of the other words for Le derrière. Bum Bum is so much more fun to say – at least for us.
We are easily amused.
Since we have been cleaning out – we are posting items on Craigslist!
I love that place! We sold over $150. worth of useless garage filler in a matter of hours!
Of course, we spent $115.00 on a beautiful entertainment center and a dog cage. (We needed those and it was an awesome DEAL!) Now we just have to spruce up the armoire.
Another site we have been hanging out at is:Bug Guide
Yeah, seriously. Don’t freak out. My kids touch the bugs not me.
The site is an awesome resource for the home-school. My kids keep catching caterpillars and then we identify what they find. They also have found tons of weird looking beetles. My kids have a gift for finding such things. Ugh!
This was born this morning.
The Bug Guide helped us identify this Virgin Tiger Moth. My son wanted to know why they are called Virgins. Do you know the answer – I have not a clue!
Last but not least, we have been spending tons of time on:Backyard Chickens.
They have EVERYTHING you would ever need to know about chickens on there. My fave place is looking at all the chicken coops. Some people are truly – genius. They have coops that look like castles, Old Cars and ones that are made out of old doll houses. If you ever wanted to build a coop or have a chicken question – go there!