A trip to get a pedicure turns into a lesson of gods.
On Valentine’s Day, my kids blessed me.
First stop on our “Blessed Day” – we went to a fun spa for some sweet and needed haircuts. I needed a good haircut. One that was stylish and fun plus super easy to fix. The girls just needed a trim.
We were going to get pedicures but realized they charged a lot more that I wanted to pay. Plus, I knew of a sweet place that was super clean and I knew they did a great job. So after we got our quick new hair styles we were off.
The kids all stayed in the waiting area and played games quietly. I couldn’t believe how good they were being…I truly felt like this was a gift from the Lord.
After a sweet spa pedicure with my favorite blue sparkly toe polish – this dream had to end.
I was checking out when I noticed the owners of the store had set up a shrine to Buddha. This is a normal occurrence where we live…in fact, I can’t think of one manicure place that doesn’t have one. However, I usually don’t take my children with me. Well, there is a first for everything.
This particular shrine had a Starbuck’s package, fruit, and something in a cup that had toothpicks in it. Well, it looked like a fun invitation to my youngest to play with the toothpicks. I looked down and told him…”Oh, don’t touch that.”
Well, the lady checking me out said to him:
“Ooh, Buddha gonna get you.“
I looked at her and told her – “I sincerely doubt it.”
I grabbed all five of my children and walked out with a huge smile. You see – the Lord had a plan and I knew it immediately – a true teaching moment!
As soon, as we got in the car…
Kids, remember when we studied about different gods, with the little “g”?
(We had just had that discussion about God and gods when the youngest daughter had a spelling test the day before.)
Yes ma’am.
Well, Buddha is one of those gods.
We know the One and True Living God. The difference – God is alive and well! He loves us so!
He is not plastic or ceramic.
He is alive!
Hallelujah, He is alive!
I have a dear friend who is battling for her life right now. I mean a real battle. She loves the Lord. I’m hurting for her and her family. I keep thinking to myself – she is going to get to see Jesus – face to face. Oh what a day that will be!
Can you just imagine seeing Him for the first time?
The song, Beautiful by Phil Wickham just sums it up.
I love this verse:
When we arrive at eternity’s shore
Where death is just a memory and tears are no more
We’ll enter in as the wedding bells ring
Your bride will come together and we’ll sing
You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful, You’re beautiful
Isn’t it amazing when we keep our eyes on Jesus – He just shows up.
I pray my kids never forget that phrase “Ooh, Buddha gonna get you.” It just made us turn our eyes to Jesus!
Buddha doesn’t even know my name.
But, Someone who loves me does. It is written in a book, one of life. He’s preparing a home for me.
There will be a day…no more tears. No more pain. No more fears. We are going to see Him face to face!
Give Me Jesus by Jeremy Camp is my heart cry:
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.
Blessings to you! You are truly loved!
AMEN! The sad part is that today – people can believe anything except in one true God – anything outside of that is hate speech – though it only seems pertinent to Christians. I love that you share His truth! You don’t hide it and you don’t hide your children – but, you share wisdom with them and keep them within your knowledge/wisdom for HIM – not you!!!