Teach Them Diligently Coupon Code is at the bottom!
I love the Teach Them Diligently Convention.
Guess what?!
[callout]They are coming to TEXAS![/callout]
Christian Moms are cheering in the background!
[quote]The Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Convention is a Christian homeschool convention that celebrates the focus of Christian home education — that is, the discipleship of children to glorify God. More than simply a convention about home education, we purposefully develop the themes of Missions, discipleship, and Christian parenting in addition to the traditional academic “how-to’s.”[/quote]
Right now until November 30 if you use the code below you get a discount.
I hope to see some of you there!
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Blessings to you! You are loved!!!
Note: Any links can be affiliates meaning if you buy something I might get some pennies that help with my homeschooling expenses.