For the past few months, my husband – David, and I have been on a journey.
It has been intimate and shared with very few.
We had a miscarriage a few years ago, that tore my heart in two. After that, we moved half way across Texas to a place where we knew very few people. It has been a different kind of journey, knowing the Lord sent us here but for the first time, without a defined purpose.
Although he provided an excellent job for David, it has been interesting to find relationships like we have had in the past. People here, although super kind – already have friendships and their lives, so they have no need for another “friendship” to develop. Yet, the Lord, who is so gracious, has still sent us kindred spirits.
If you know David and myself, you will know that we have a love for children even though never in my wildest dreams, did I think I would be a mother. I never had that in my “plans.” And then the Lord blessed us with 5 wild and super high-risk pregnancies and 5 awesome loving kids, that I in no way deserve. You would think a small basketball team would be enough, me too!
But, even as we prepare for college for our eldest, that yearning and desire for another child, hasn’t wavered. We have so much love to pour out into another person. Our home has yet to feel full.
A few months ago, I jokingly sent David a text asking him if he would want two more babies?
His response, without hesitation, was a definite “Yes.”
I pondered it and thought “I am meant to be a Mom and my role is not over yet.” I cannot tell you the joy knowing I was destined to be something is coming to full fruition.
After that, we spoke to different people about adoption. I stayed on the internet and scared myself silly with all the information about moms who have had their heart broken and all the skeptics who are against adoption. But, then the Lord gave us a peace, that we cannot even explain.
I ran into a friend of mine. It turns out she owns an adoption agency. I had no idea. One of her board members goes to our church, another board member has a daughter on our volleyball team. So funny how the Lord works, even when we are in the dark. She said they were going to have an orientation soon. And just like that – we were on the path for private adoption.
Then there was the issue of paying for the adoption. Can I just say, God is so Faithful?!
David’s company is paying for our adoption! In fact, two! We just had to front the money and be reimbursed, hello, anyone still here? Isn’t that freaking awesome?!
So, we are expecting!
In fact, we are halfway through the preliminaries and tons of paperwork. We have no idea when this baby will be here and that is more than okay with us. It is awesome to see the Lord work even the little details.
And if you are wondering what the kids think about us adopting? They are so thrilled and wondered why we waited so long. That was just the icing on the cake for David and me.
So, if you see us with a glow, now you know why! And if I look exhausted, you will also know why!
Plus, I suppose I should be looking for a new blog name. Man, that is hard. Suggestions will be appreciated, please leave them in the comments!
Blessings to you! You are loved!
Amazing!! That’s what our God is, amazing. I love to hear these blessings you guys are receiving. It’s all because of your faithfulness. Love you guys and would love to see y’all.
Thank you Mrs. Leda! The Lord is amazing, for sure! 🙂
I love it! What a blessing to not have the financial burden on top of the stress that the process can bring. May your journey be peaceful and full of faith that the perfect new members of your family will find their way to you!
You probably remember me even though we’re still facebook friends . But I was just thinking of you and your family the other day. I was actually thinking of families I knew that would make awesome foster care parents or adoptive parents and you were first family I thought of.
I’m so happy and excited for you . You and your family of seven plus two more are in my prayers.
Wow, you amaze me! God has blessed you with lots of energy, patience, love, joy, compassion and talent….so on and on…………. we can go! Love you guys! Hugs to all! Lorena (Vonnie) Ha!
SOOO excited for you, Lana. My arms are usually empty these days, so if you need somebody to help hold them in church, sit close to us!!!
Thank you sweet friend! I will totally remember that! 🙂
My Mom used to say that the people who should have the most kids often don’t, and all too often, the opposite is true. But your family is a very wonderul exception to the norm, and I congratulate and celebrate your time of expecting. Enjoy the unknown time until delivery!! May God bless you with the myriad of blessings you all need.
Thank you! We are more than excited to see how the Lord is going to use us. 🙂
Wow Lana! Congratulations!! I think you should name it “counting blessings” or “faithful blessings” so happy for your family!
Counting blessings for sure! 🙂 I can’t even number them! 🙂 Miss you friend!
So so so excited for you sweet friend! God is amazing!! I have a swing waiting for you when you need it! (And a car seat too!) 🙂 ❤️❤️
I can’t wait to have that swing swinging in my living room! Then it will be so real! 🙂 You are such a blessings to me! 🙂
Lana & David!!! What a blessing! You are faithful servants of God & He has blessed you so! Looking forward to the little bundles He places in your arms!! ❤️
Thank you sweet friend! You are a blessing!
One thing is for sure you guys are a fun loving family and there is nothing better, so keep adding. I’m so excited for you all. Love you bunches my sweet friend❤
Oh sweet friend! You are a blessing! 🙂 Love you too!
How exciting and what a true blessing from God you two are…angels among us! I am SO happy for you and your family. Continued prayers and much love to you my beautiful friend. God bless ❤️✝❤️
Thank you sweet friend! I agree a true blessing!!!
Praise God! You all amaze me. I like what Amy Robinson suggested regarding your blog name. Too cute.
The Lord is so faithful!!!
Congratulations! Keep it the same and just add “and counting”.
Thank you! 🙂
How about I Love My 7 Kids??
You all are awesome!
God is awesome for sure! 🙂 I love that number!!
I am almost sobbing I’m so happy for you!!!!! I think you are incredibly awesome, faithful, blessed, and a blessing to those who know you!!!!!
Oh sweet friend, I miss you terribly! You are such a blessing!!!
Don’t believe the people who will tell you “Babies will keep you young.” They won’t! But they will keep you happy. And frustrated. And busy.
People will also tell you how wonderful you are for your “sacrifice”. Don’t hit them. They have no clue! (We never hear we sacrificed when we gave birth and it’s just as much a sacrifice!!! To love is to sacrifice.) Babies aren’t “so lucky” to be adopted.
Love deeply. Cry when needed. Laugh often.
I love you all!
Ha! Been crying with joy as if I am pregnant! 🙂 You are a blessing! Love you!